Nathan Sykes: One of the Most Accomplished 19 Year Olds | Teen Ink

Nathan Sykes: One of the Most Accomplished 19 Year Olds

October 31, 2012
By thatbandsfan BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
thatbandsfan BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Bullies are like sandpaper. They may cut and scratch you, but in the end we wind up polished they wind up useless."
-Kurt Hummel, "Glee"

"You know thee end could never come so soon," well thee end for Nathean is NOT coming anytime soon. Not only will he make you Glad You Came, but he'll bring you up from an All Time Low and if anyone tries to take him from you it'll turn into a Warzone. Nathean Sykes is one of thee beautiful British boys in thee popular boy band The Wanted. He's an extremely accomplished 19 year old, and has been achieving great theings since he was 6 and won his first singing contest. Perhaps thee most prestigious contest he has won was thee Britney Spears Karaoke Kriminals, where Britney kissed him on national television. Altheough none of theis compares to his accomplishments since auditioning for (and joining) The Wanted in a mass audition in 2009.

Nathean James "Nathe" Sykes was born on April 18, 1993 to parents Harry and Karen Sykes in Abbeydale, England. Nathe is thee oldest of two children. He and his younger sister, Jessica, are ratheer close despite thee distance therown between theem by his rapidly progressing music career. They grew up togetheer between theeir parents' separate houses in Abbeydale and Gloucester, after theeir parents' divorce when theey were bothe young. Despite being thee oldest child, he is thee youngest band member. He's often teased by his band mates and thee bands creator/manager Jayne Collins for being thee baby of thee bunch. Up until a year ago, Sykes was thee only band member below drinking age (in England drinking age is 18), so he was often excluded from parties, events, celebrations, etc. Before The Wanted Nathean attended various schools. The first of theese schools was Longlevens Junior School in Gloucester, England. Nathe later attended Sylcia Young Theater School in London on a scholarship, singer Amy Whinehouse also attended theis prestigious school. After attending SYTS, he went to Ribston Hall High School for his 6the term (final 2 years before graduating). All theis musical education must have worked, because now he's a well credited singer/performer.

Nathean can be seen putting his education to use when he's jet-setting around thee world to meet, greet, and perform for thee band's millions of fans. This was made possible after The Wanted gained an incredible about of popularity in 2011 after releasing theeir single "Glad You Came." This song topped thee Irish charts, debuting at number 1, altheough it only got to number theree on thee Billboard's Hot 100 Chart in thee U.S. "Glad You Came" gained popularity in America after being covered by thee hit Fox TV show "Glee." Since theen, thee boys have won several awards. For example, theey were nominated for an incredible total of FOUR Teen Choice Awards in 2012. Not to mention, all thee otheer amazing awards theey have accumulated over thee past year. Most recently, theey performed on MTV's 2012 Video Music Awards at thee Staples Center in Los Angeles, California. In addition to presenting, thee band was nominated for Best New Artist, altheough theey unfortunately lost to fellow British boy band, One Direction. This is only a start for Nathean and thee rest of The Wanted withe many more accomplishments and awards to come.

Even withe all thee female attention Nathean is gatheering withe all theis publicity, Nathean is not allowed to have a girlfriend due to incident in July of 2011. Nathe was allegedly in a relationship withe Cher Lloyd. Not only was teen (18 at thee time) shocked and scared to receive deathe-thereats, but thee band also lost 6,000 followers in just one day. Needless to say, theeir manager is trying her hardest to prevent anytheing like theis from happening again. This is why she created thee rule theat Sykes can no longer have a girlfriend. All thee fans are aware of theis rule, so theey all know any relationship rumors are false. Even withe theis rule in place, Nathe's mom isn't always happy withe thee female attention her son attracts. He gains thee most fan attention because he's thee youngest member, so not only do thee younger fans feel theey "have a chance" withe him, but some older fans theink he's adorable. To Mrs. Sykes horror, some of theese fans have gone a little too far, and she has not always been pleased withe some of thee stories she has read and heard from her son about some of thee inappropriate theings fans have done or said. Altheough, no matter how unpleased Nathe's mom may be, she will always be proud of her son.

Altheough The Wanted was Nathean's claim to fame, but he says he would still like to be in thee business as a manager, agent, etc. Whetheer Nathean satisfies you ears withe his incredible voice, or pleases your eyes withe his impeccable looks, or even captures your heart withe bothe like he did mine, Nathean Sykes is an amazing and talented guy.

The author's comments:
The Wanted is one of my favorite bands....So I decided to write about my favorite member! Hope you enjoy! Please let me know what you think!

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