the suspicious misconceptions | Teen Ink

the suspicious misconceptions

November 26, 2012
By zainulabidin BRONZE, Karachi, Other
zainulabidin BRONZE, Karachi, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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you can have it all but you can't just have it all at once.

nowadays it is very common that we depend upon our stars for every good and bad of us.If something happens that is truly unacceptable,we blame our stars.We always consult the people who suggest us gems and lucky objects who don't even know about their own future.Why should we not believe our own selves only? well that is question which is not prissy but still it has a stuff inside it.Wasting our money chasing horoscopes and stupid misconceptions.I would just say that belief is a very strange virtue,ad it is the only thing that can either destroy you or take you to the track you should be walking on.

The author's comments:
this article is about the misconceptions which are nowadays prevailed widely in our society.People have started believing in the things which do not even exixt and their self-confidence is left upto predictions only.

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