Bacon | Teen Ink


December 19, 2012
By Teddy6502 BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
Teddy6502 BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Bacon is one of the most popular and widely enjoyed foods in the world. Over two-billion pounds of bacon are produced in the United States alone. Popularized soon after World War II, bacon has become so loved in the Western world that the term “bacon mania” has been coined to describe the widespread enthusiasm of bacon in Canada and the USA.

Bacon is one of the oldest foods recorded with accounts of the lunch meat dating back to 1500 BC. Different forms of bacon were found all over the world from petaso in Romania to bak in Germany. However, bacon did not become truly popular until after the end of World War II when markets became accessible enough to spread the rich pigs meat. Bacon reached even higher levels of fame in 1924 when Oscar Meyer created packaged pre-sliced bacon. This made bacon an easy, accessible, and affordable choice for even the laziest American.
After bacon was featured in the popular Atkins Diet the beginning of bacon mania in the US began. Bacon lovers gathered at hundreds of events entirely focused on bacon. They have competed in recipe contests, created blogs, and even participated in “bacon camps” where different bacon recipes and bacon related merchandise were featured . Even vegetarians can’t escape the fervor surrounding bacon. There are tons of different vegan bacons you can try such as Vegan Bacon Strips and Smart Bacon.
It’s no wonder that bacon has become so popular. This delicious lunch meat is high in fat but low in salt so that it can even be incorporated into a healthy diet with moderation. Although over 70% of all bacon is eaten during breakfast there are dozens maybe even hundreds of other ways to enjoy its delectable flavor. You can enjoy it grilled, baked, in a sandwich, on top of a salad, in soups, in wraps, or you can try dozens of bacon flavored snacks. There is even bacon flavored dental floss for the more serious bacon lovers.
In conclusion, I love bacon.

The author's comments:
Bacon is a passion of mine.

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