Blood Sucking Beast: Not Real? | Teen Ink

Blood Sucking Beast: Not Real?

January 30, 2013
By alexastyless BRONZE, New Haven, Connecticut
alexastyless BRONZE, New Haven, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you heard of a hairless goat-like blood sucking beast? If so, you may be thinking of the Chupacabra It has been described as a “bipedal creature around four to five feet tall kind of a sort of a cross between a grey alien and a dinosaur”. Many people think that the Chupacabra is real and they have been keeping the myth around for years. Most people think it has been alive so long just to scare farmers. The Chupacabra is not real and people have nothing to be afraid of. The Chupacabra does not exist because of lack of proof, mistaken identity, and faulty memory.

The Chupacabra is not real! It’s just a case of mistaken identity. In the article, “Chupacabra”, found on, it says, “In 2007, biologists at Texas State University reported DNA testing that revealed that the “creature” was really a coyote with mange.” This quote explains that people often mistake animals such as foxes and coyotes with mange (which means they’re hairless) for Chupacabras. ‘Chupacabras’ have been described to be hairless (or close to hairless) and are grayish. They have a kangaroo type of stance. It often hops or run amazingly fast. This creature can be easily confused with a coyote or even a fox. Many people do not take a good look before they assume other animals are Chupacabra thus, making many people believe they have seen a Chupacabra.
Faulty memory also plays a big part in the Chupacabra myth. At, there is an article entitled “Are Chupacabra Recollections Real” and it says, “A Puerto Rican eyewitness’s faulty memory confused a film monster with real life and essentially created the Chupacabra.” This quote explains that people may have confused the Chupacabra with other things, making them believe it’s real. The article also says, “Experiments by Kathryn Brown shows how people can create false memories of experiencing thing that never happened.” This explanation shows how people can be very gullible. They can be tricked into believing they did/have seen things that they never have. This is the case with many people that believe in the Chupacabra. They have been tricked into thinking it is real.
There is no raw proof that the Chupacabra exists and it’s impossible for them to survive. In the article “Legend of the Chupacabra” found on, it says that, “It would take a couple hundred to a few thousand of the creatures to keep the species alive.” This means that even if the beasts managed to hide, they’d need a lot of blood to survive (since they are vampires). You’d find a lot of more blood-drained carcasses. Also, they’d have fossils of at least one Chupacabra. This helps explain how it is completely impossible for the Chupacabras to be real and not been seen or have any raw proof. It’s impossible.
Do you still believe in the Chupacabra? Have you been convinced that it’s real? Have you been showed enough “proof” that it’s real? Have you seen it? You’re wrong! Tons of people that have a strong belief towards the Chupacabra have donated a lot of money to have scientists so they can research the Chupacabra. They are throwing your money away! It’s now or never! We have to convince people that the Chupacabra doesn’t exist. There’s not enough proof that it exists, it’s usually mistaken for other animals and there are people that have been convinced that they’ve seen the Chupacabra; when they really haven’t.

The author's comments:
This piece is over the Chupacabra. I'm here to prove that it doesn't exist!

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This article has 2 comments.

kaden454 said...
on May. 4 2016 at 10:58 am
kaden454, Evanzvile , Indiana
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments

kaden454 said...
on May. 3 2016 at 11:33 am
kaden454, Evanzvile , Indiana
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
I agree the chupacabra doesn't exist and who think that it does are stupid