Human Trafficking | Teen Ink

Human Trafficking

April 22, 2013
By Morgan Williams BRONZE, Greenway, Georgia
Morgan Williams BRONZE, Greenway, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They are trapped lives in horrific misery of either forced prostitution, abuse, or starvation. Adults and children are kidnapped regularly right before our eyes, and are tortured behind closed doors. These situations are devastating and people are fighting for their lives every day, and barely anyone knows about it. Today in history, there are more human slaves than ever before, and we need to crack down on this problem. “Human trafficking is considered to be one of the three largest criminal industries following behind drugs.” (Heather Snyder) This industry is rapidly growing and it’s been proven that around thirty thousand victims of human trafficking die each year from things like HIV/Aids, brutal torture, extreme abuse, and neglect. This issue is on the rise and more and more people are becoming victims so we need a solution to bring it to a stop.

How have we let human trafficking become so successful in society? Over $31.6 billion dollars come into the human trafficking business, which tells you that the number of victims is increasing and the traffickers are easily getting away with crime. The traffickers all do different cruel things to their victims but mainly use them for sexual gratification. Girls of the ages of six to twenty four seem to be the most popular target for sex. Most are raped and sold as prostitutes in black markets. The victims are just helpless innocent people like you and me and fighting for their sovereignty and lives. Men are the most common traffickers who take over and control others’ lives in terrifying ways. Eighty percent of victims of the trafficking are sexually exploited, abused, and become prostitutes. “People are bought and sold for the sex trade outside of sporting events, on the Internet, on street corners, and at truck stops all over.” (J.B. Van Hollen is Wisconsin’s Attorney General)

Human trafficking seems to becoming more and more popular these days, but there’s barely any awareness about it. It’s happening all around us every day, but no one ever thinks about it or notices it in our society. The people in our communities have their heads stuck in other less important things, but we need to come to realization that people are dying and being victimized as slaves and need help! There are billions of victims that are in desperation of needing and wanting to be rescued and heard about. “We’re cleaning up the community, and while we’re doing that, a secondary motive is to look for and rescue the victims.” (Capt. Steven Skrynecki (Nassau Police) Africa News Service) This nation needs solutions to this world wide problem. There are charities, donation programs, and movements to solve this trafficking problem or at least slow it down as much as possible. The End It Movement is a big movement right now and is doing a fantastic job of spreading word and getting millions of people to become more aware. “A senate bill to reauthorize the Trafficking Victims Protection Act through 2015 cleared the Judiciary Committee in October.” (New York Times Magazine) The government is working harder on saving victims as well. They are trying to put an end to this too by getting trained professionals such as the FBI and S.W.A.T teams in action of catching the crooks and saving lives. By making donations, some of the money could go to the teams whose missions are to catch the traffickers so they can be trained more efficiently and hire more for more reinforcement and back up. There’s such a low risk of the criminals getting caught that more police and military enforcement are aware and ready to act, the more we can increase the number of traffickers getting caught.

Human trafficking is major issue is every country whether people realize it or not, and it needs to end now! Humans should not be enslaved, not in this century! Everyone is equal and humans should not own each other or make money off of each other. It’s hard to believe that people are so mentally ill that they decide to abuse others sexually, physically, and emotionally for no apparent reason. It’s sick and mind blowing that people can actually be that selfish and cruel. Slaves need to become free individuals and victims need to be rescued from hell. We need to save the lost souls and bring the helpless trafficking victims back to redemption for a second chance to live their lives in freedom. This crisis must stop now, so spread the word and make people aware that there are still slaves in this world that need to be found and rescued from misery and abuse.

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