Television and Health | Teen Ink

Television and Health

May 21, 2013
By alex19964584 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
alex19964584 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Television and health have been linked together for as long as TV has been around. Studies and research have concluded that most television and health links are turning out for the worse. Violence and addiction seen on TV by millions, in which many are children, is not aiding the brain whatsoever according to Rutgers University board member Robe Kubey. A sense of dependency is instilled in heavy TV watchers which addict them to their “shows”; an addiction like an eating habit. Weight has also become a serious problem simply because of the fruitless inactivity of occurring while watching TV. More than double the amount of overweight kids between six and seventeen have been recorded since the 1960’s. Not only kids are suffering, but adults are also becoming increasingly obese. Though too much TV can lead to obesity, people are developing eating disorders because of the models seen every day on TV; an ugly, unrealistic, and unrivaled trend.

At home, 66% of families watch TV while at dinner which can create a rather phlegmatic atmosphere; making an empty life. Researchers corroborate that children watch around 1500 hours of TV a year. Many shows try to coerce them into wanting new material objects also. Many violent shows inundate these kids with bad images for the rest of their lives.

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