Things We Carry - Note | Teen Ink

Things We Carry - Note

October 17, 2013
By Ohhmadii BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
Ohhmadii BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Samantha,

Orange. Pink. Purple. Blue. The repeating colors somehow linked us. The way the colors matched and elegantly wrapped around the smooth skin on our wrists. Four and a half hours away, the distance only makes us stronger. Keeping connected by strings knotted to fit. You are always there. The distance doesn't matter. Many think it’s crazy to have someone you can put all your trust into who is so far away. But our friendship is different. You will always be there no matter what, to have my back, listen when I need to just let it out, and most importantly always there with the best advice anyone can ask for. Your kind heartedness is comforting. It’s amazing to know that you have someone who will cover you regardless to what’s going on.

You have beautiful brown curly hair, and bright piercing blue eyes. Black square shaped glasses that fit snug on your nose. Your eyebrows are always perfect with your hair lined covered in a variation of freckles on your pale skin. Your sweet voice and soft peak of your lips barley revealing your teeth illuminate the room with happiness. You can make anyone smile and giggle no matter what they have going on. You're the most amazing person I've ever had the pleasure to meet.

The nights that we can sit on facetime till 3 am, we laugh so hard we cry. The way you sit in your bed snuggled up in your blankets just listening to each other. Hearing about each other’s day, having heart to hearts, at this point, looking at each other it doesn't matter that you live 4 and a half hours away. The way you look at me, the sweet smile you get when we talk about all the good in life. Your eyes light up like stars in the sky and you whisper about the ones you love. Seeing your elegant smile light up your whole face.

Having a best friend means so much more than distance. The bracelet I wear is very heavy to my heart. It carries all the crazy times we have together. My choice to carry this is probably one of the best I’ve ever made. Our matching bracelets are just a reminder of what she means to me, what our friendship means. Our friendship is like what you have with your favorite child hood toy. The way you admire everything you can do with that toy. The giggles and jitters you get when mom says that it's okay for you to go play with your little toy. You’re smile gets brighter. That’s how we feel when we finally get to hang out. This all explains you, my best friend.

With Love,

The author's comments:
My best friend Samantha who lives 4 and a half hours away inspired this piece.

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