Taking the wheel | Teen Ink

Taking the wheel

October 30, 2013
By Anonymous

On my first try of driving I was only in the seventh grade too small to even see over the wheel I swerved around a parking lot like a maniac. All my life I had wanted to drive I couldn’t wait to step foot in the front left side of the car. I can remember as a kid when my mom would let me sit on her lap when we had reached the beginning of our neighborhood, she let me steer the wheel all the way home those were the best days for me because I couldn’t wait to go run and tell my friends each time that I Jordan had just drove my moms car. I would always beg my mom constantly to let me drive outside of our neighborhood she wouldn’t of course because of safety hazards but she would always remember to let me hop on her lap whenever we entered our neighborhood.

Driving for me and cars alone seemed to always be so eye catching I was always asking questions while we were driving somewhere or pressing buttons when I sat in the front. My mom would always yell at me when I messed with the heat or air controls because I thought I was controlling the radio stations and volume turns out I wasn’t doing anything close to that, she did always say I was good for wasting her gas considering the heat was on when it was summer time. I always loved long car rides because being in the car at all times just seemed to be so amusing. My mom would never forget to remind me of how soon my time would come where I would finally be practicing my driving skills and than even picking out my first car.

My sister had finally been able to practice her driving now that she was sophomore in high school and taking the class drivers Ed, I had no idea what it was until I finally had come to the conclusion that it was just a class that taught you how to drive. I was extremely jealous because I was too young to even think about driving and now my sister would be talking about it in front of me constantly to rub it in. She was not only learning to drive but she was learning it in a class at school that was so fascinating to me since my most interesting subject in school was just art which couldn’t even compare in my opinion to a class with the title Drivers Ed. So now I get to watch my sister enjoy driving my moms car and she didn’t even have to sit on her lap or get the gas or brake pedals pressed for her. I think I’m a better driver than her because she was always to focused on her makeup or hair or even who was in the cars around her.

When I graduated middle school my mom would take me driving every weekend and each time was a different place I enjoyed driving around big empty parking lots with no cars. I hated when my mom would get nervous or make anxious loud noises because she thought I was going to crash or hit the light post she didn’t know how well of a driver I was. Finally in my sophomore year of high school I had been assigned to the class drivers Ed I was so excited to start the school year because I would be having the class during the first marking period. In my class everyone was younger than me so they weren’t going to be driving on the road until everyone else who was older then them went the teacher had explained that when you go driving you would be going according to how old you where oldest to youngest. I luckily got to be one of the lucky students who didn’t have to wait until the class was over with to drive because I was already 16, I had to drive around in the school parking lot first for a couple of rounds and than I got to leave the school grounds.

My driving instructor would tell me which way to turn and how fast I should be going to him I had a heavy foot because I was always going a little over the speed limit. I was surprised that I had actually made it on the highways driving without even being on my moms lap I had drove on roads that where so busy I was barely going over 25 mph. I struggled with making right yields at some points because the pavement on the street was very bumpy and hard to drive on, sometimes I would end up making a wide turn almost into the other lane. One of the times I was driving it was wet and rainy I pressed the gas too hard and my tires had slid, the first thing I did was panic because it sounded loud and embarrassing I thought everyone in their cars around me where watching. I finally am waiting to get my license now my 6 months is almost up and I cannot wait to take on the roads and drive more long road trips.

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