Smoking Addiction | Teen Ink

Smoking Addiction

January 29, 2014
By Anonymous

Did you know that many people die a day because of smoking, yes you probably have heard this from your teachers and other people. But the real question is why do we smoke when we were told ahead not to?

Many people smoke, some start at a very young period which is in High School which is legal, but then there are also some people who decide to smoke illegally. Statistics in 2011, from the Centers for Disease Control and protection (CDC) show that nationwide, broken into race and ethnicity is:
a) Whites - 20.6%
b) African Americans - 19.4%
c) Hispanics - 12.9%
d) American Indians/Alaska Natives -
e) Asian Americans - 9.9%
f) Multi-racial people - 27.4%

Each year around 443,000 people in the United States die from illnesses, which have been related to tobacco uses. Did you know that smoking cigarettes kills more americans than Alcohol, car accidents, suicide, AIDS, homicide and illegal drugs, combined?

Cancers that you may get from smoking:

Lung Cancer
Larynx (voice box)
Oral Cavity (Mouth, Lips and tongue)
Nose and Sinuses
Pharynx cancer (throat)
Esophagus ( tube connecting throat to stomach)

Now there are also ways that you can prevent smoking or to stop smoking if you currently are. One way is to seek help, contact family/friends for support, keep yourself occupied so like do some activity such as sports or go to the gym etc. The government can also help in many other ways such as allow fewer places to be able to smoke and keep this maintained well.

The author's comments:
I always see advertisements to prevent smoking but then i come across people who are crying because they just lost a loved one because the person had smoked.

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