Two "Distant" Worlds | Teen Ink

Two "Distant" Worlds

May 26, 2014
By stanlor123 BRONZE, Pflugerville, Texas
stanlor123 BRONZE, Pflugerville, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

(Barks and Quacks)

I’m a golden retriever; “man’s best friend,” but no one has ever asked who my best friend is. That one is easy.
Redemption. Redemption. Redemption.

With my black hole of an eye I see
a troubled past.
Before back rubs and bubble baths,
I was an assassin. (Footprints) Along the wavy plains, full of fields of green and blue skies, I find myself dashing and flying through the air looking for something that has webbed feet, a short beak, and a question mark of a body. That my friend is a duck.

As my light golden fur sweeps past fields of grass, I finally met my “calling” in life as well as the prey that initiates it.

Tearing and screaming. Feathers flying in the bright daylight, yet there is still darkness on the inside.

At last, the deed is done. The taste of blood sis drenched on my honed teeth like white on rice and(I guess I sort of won a game of Bloody Knuckles). It’s hot outside, yet inside I feel cold. Nightfall came rushing like flowing water. Suddenly everything went black.

Atta boy you sure got him! Come inside you deserve a treat.

Treat? If you call being unable to sleep that night a treat, then I guess I got what I deserved. If in smothering dreams you too could pace by your owner as he carries the question mark of a body into his home. The cold body laying motionless in his arms with open eyes as if death hasn't freed him. The fact of the matter is that what I've done is not a question of efficiency; rather it should be a question of morality. “Pup of the Law” they would call me, but what does the law mean for us?
Us. Us. Us?

Yes! We are all connected in this thing called society. From running away from danger at the speed of light to standing up for what you believe, dogs and humans are very much alike (minus where we get our water supply). That seems to cover the ground I share with humans.
Humans. Humans. Humans.

In the world that humans and dogs like me share, humans need to reevaluate the concept of humanity. The “wise men” that inhabit my planet our contradicting themselves every day. The fragile glass that is humanity has been vaporized into pieces on the floor of justice.
Justice. Justice. Just-us?

Unknown Screams

Currently in the doggie quo, finding justice within the human race is like looking for Bigfoot. From genocide in WWII to having global gender inequality, I've observed that the human race have guttered the last ounce of respect from its jar. That may seem really ruff but that fact of the matter is that humans have done inexcusable action over the course of time. As dogs, we have stood on all paws in order to change our history so why can’t humans do it? The answer that is different point of views. When I watched a U.N Human Rights session, you could smell the tension bouncing back and forth from the leaders of those nations.
Leaders. Leaders. Leaders.


The leaders of today will probably be the leaders of tomorrow, but what have they stood for? Political views all around the globe have plagued the communities that they contain. Far and wide, I can hear the cries of women who aren't allowed to vote. I can hear the pleads of safety among conflict infested nations. I can hear the gunshots which ring death in every heart and soul on this planet.

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