WHAT? | Teen Ink


October 23, 2014
By Anonymous


Kayla had a pretty interesting childhood. Her father was abusive, and was only there for a quarter of her life; she barely knew him. Seldom saw him, too. when she did . . . it wasn’t the best time for her or her mother. Her mother was the best, she was never a victim of Kayla’s father, she fought back, too. Which is part of the reason why they never got arrested. but the last fight was too much. Shaun, her father, or thats what the police believe his name is, was found behind a strip club, dead. No, he wasn’t stripped of his fancy furs & leathers, but he did have some major claw marks on his neck and face. California’s best, described it as their most disturbing case yet. Nobody knows who could’ve done it, and why. They say it was the crazy ex-wife, or one of his “trusted” goons, maybe it was a thirsty stripper? Quite possibly, they and what they didn’t know, it was the daughter sick and tired of the abuse, abandonment, and lack of self-confidence. Her mother, Maybell, was upset and beyond, “she ruined my plan!” was all Maybell could think about. She too was tired of the mistreatment. Maybell would’ve given the world just to put Shaun out of his misery a second time, but that would never happen. A year to the date, Kayla goes missing. By then she and her mother have already moved to a new house in Miami, far away from their natural home trouble. “Everything was fine, I don’t understand why she’s missing! School was good, she has so many friends-even a boyfriend! What happened!?” Maybell exclaimed, she was supposed to be talking to the police,but it ended up as a weird talking-to-self, scene. The case went unsolved for 12 years and counting, nobody will ever think where to find the missing Kayla.
Let me say this:
Her and her father will NEVER be separated.

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