The Good Memories.... | Teen Ink

The Good Memories....

January 22, 2015
By Anonymous

It feels like just yesterday that this event happened. I was a 10 year old little girl finally going to Serbia for the first time since I was 4. June 25th 2010 came along, and I was more than excited to finally go back and see my family. After the 12 hour flight, my family and I have finally arrived. Tears dropped as I finally saw my grandma, and other family members. My parents, brother, and I were there for a good three and a half weeks. We went to Serbia, Croatia, and Montenegro. Throughout those 3 and a half weeks I tried so many new foods, met new people, and saw so much of Europe. Ever since I came back from that trip, I have went to Serbia every summer. I fell in love with the lifestyle there, and everytime I go it’s a blast.

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