14 Things I Learned by 14 | Teen Ink

14 Things I Learned by 14

April 20, 2015
By annabrewer_ SILVER, Prichard, West Virginia
annabrewer_ SILVER, Prichard, West Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

1. Sometimes you will be the only majorly mature person thrown into a situation. Although you feel awkward, just remember you're in a better position than you think.

2. Sometimes you are left with only yourself. Don't stress over having one, two, or twenty nights all alone. When you are an adult, you'll miss those times.

3. Losing people along your lifetime journey is not a big deal. People will abandon you at your time of need, but just remember where you will need to stand when they are in your situation.

4. Not everyone will like you. Don't try to make everyone like you. It is simply an impossible task. Although your circle is small, be thankful for the people that you do have in your life.

5. You'll have bad days. Sometimes you'll think your bad days will outweigh your good days. Just remember that you can't see the best days of your life without a the worst. You've made it this far, and a little struggle now and then keeps you alive.

6. Just because you don't particularly dress, believe, look, or act the same as others doesn't mean you are a negative outcast. Being unique is a good thing and never fear that. People will remember you.

7. Don't let people blame you for their mistakes, and don't blame others for your own. Take responsibility but only for your own actions and words. Again, you can't blame yourself for everything.

8. Although your significant other, parent, friend, or family member walked out of your life, that doesn't mean that is your fault. You can't let yourself be a punching bag for your or anyone else's feelings.

9. It isn't "cool" to lead on 10 different girls/boys at once. Keep others emotions in mind when making decisions. Although you enjoy the attention, it isn't fair to them to be your puppet.

10. You and your parents will argue. So maybe you disagree on most everything, they were one of the reasons you are here so don't ever forget that.

11. Showing class is not something to be ashamed of. It's okay to say "no" (politely, of course), and turn the other cheek whenever someone is starting rumors about you.

12. Taking your issues to social media is not the correct way to go about your life - AT ANY AGE.

13. Sometimes an apology is not enough. Although some people will accept an "I'm sorry," it doesn't mean that they will ever forget how you treated them. Some things people can't get over.

14. Sometimes people will be better than you. You're always going to have someone with a better attitude, personality, looks, money, brains, and so on. Don't worry about where you stand on a challenge with the world. The only thing you should do is try to be better than the person you were yesterday. 

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