Victim no more | Teen Ink

Victim no more

May 11, 2015
By Anonymous

It was the very end of my seventh grade school year and everything was going just fine for me.  I had amazing friends, the cutest boyfriend, loved all my classes and honestly didn’t really have a worry in the world. I was in science class and there was a new girl; her name was Elizabeth.  I thought she was the prettiest girl ever and I wanted to become her friend as soon as I could. I knew what it was like to be the new girl also, so I thought I could help her settle into the school more easily.  After I walked up and talked to Elizabeth, we became best friends that instant.

As summer came around, we hung out literally every single day of the summer.  We even went to summer school together. She was the kind of best friend who could just walk in my front door and we were pretty much unseparable.  I told her all my secrets thinking that I could trust her with anything considering she was my best friend. It turned out that that was the biggest mistake I could have ever made because she ruined my life with those secrets that I had told her.
I woke up one morning and checked my face book account -- my secret was EVERYWHERE.  I couldn’t believe she told everyone!  I was mad at myself for trusting her. She turned all my friends against me and even my boyfriend turned against me. She even started dating my boyfriend and she would send me screenshots of them talking bad about me.  I swore it was the worst day of my life.  Everyone posted nasty things on my wall, making jokes about my secret and calling me rude names.  I ended up deleting my account and thought since it was summer that the joking and name calling would die down but, again, I was wrong.
It was the first day of my eighth grade school year and I walked in ready to face the people who were bullying me, but I couldn’t.  I walked in and people were laughing at me and talking behind my back.  I just wanted to get out of there.  I hated the feeling that no one liked me or knowing that people were talking bad about me behind my back. Just in that week I had people come up to me telling me to kill myself.  One person said, “if I had a gun I would pull the trigger for you.”  I also got a video from a girl, and the video had said she was going to hunt me down and kill me.  I had prank calls from people telling me that I needed to lose weight and all these harsh things.
My grandparents were my role models and I knew I had to go to school so I would not disappoint them.  They went on vacation for a week and during the week they were gone I would pretend to be sick so I wouldn’t have to go to school.  I still checked social media to see what people were saying about me.  I saw things like “did she kill herself?”, “hopefully.”  I was so hurt I didn’t know what to do.  I couldn’t believe all these people wanted me dead. I did nothing to them, nor did I know half of them. My grandparents were coming home soon and I knew I couldn’t fake being sick much longer so that night I tried killing myself.  I thought the world would be better without me--I mean everyone thought that. Everyone hated me so why not do everyone a favor.
My mom came in the room as I was trying to kill myself and stopped me.  I remember she took me out of school for a day and I was so happy that I wouldn’t be going back to school for another day.  Come to know it while I was gone everyone was spreading rumors about me the whole time I was gone.
Luckily summer came around the corner and I didn’t have to deal with all of the bullying for three months.  
After all of that I met a new girl, she became my best friend, her name was Kayla. We became best friends. I was happy knowing that I wouldn’t be alone my freshman year of high school. I would have someone by my side.
People found out we were friends and they would tell her not to be my friend but luckily she wouldn’t listen to them and she was still my friend.
Later that year Kayla and I got bullied together. People started not liking her because she was friends with me and I didn’t think it was fair for her, but she still stayed by my side and stayed friends with me.  We got bullied so bad that we would be the only people at a lunch table and we would eat lunch together.  If one of us wasn’t there we would eat in a teacher’s classroom or the bathroom stall.
Towards the middle of the second semester Kayla moved. I was so upset that she was leaving because she was all I had. She was my only friend and the only person who would eat lunch with me. I didn’t want to go to school without her. I cried every night because I knew I was going to have to face the bullying all by myself and I didn’t think I would be able to. I didn’t think I was strong enough to.  
After she moved, I became the girl who ate lunch in the bathroom stall by myself, and I didn’t have any friends to do class work with. I didn’t have any one to talk to during the whole day.  I barely would say a word. The bullying got worse each and every day.  I had people throwing away my lunch and saying the meanest things you could ever think of.
Every day when my grandma would pick me up, I would get into the car crying my eyes out saying I don’t want to go back or will never go back. My grandma would go into the school and speak with the assistant principal and the counselor every time I got bullied and every time we would talk to them they would say the bullying was my fault. The school wouldn’t do anything about my bullying. It was as if they didn’t even care.
Finally my parents had enough and we found out about K12 and I couldn’t be happier with being part of K12.  I enjoy being able to wake up every morning knowing I’m not about to get picked on for the next eight hours.
From this bullying experience I have come to realize that that’s not who I am. The nasty things those people said about me only made me stronger. And it’s time to close that chapter of my life and move on and learn to become a survivor, not a victim for the rest of my life.
I want those who are getting bullied to be able to know that it does get better and that it isn’t the end of the world. Those people who are saying mean and nasty things to us just have something bad going on in their life and they just want to put their hard times on us.  So they pick on us every chance they get to try to make themselves do better.  Don’t think it’s your fault or that you did something wrong, because you didn’t.  I suggest if you’re going through a hard time with bullying or if you are trying to become a survivor instead of a victim, then join a group of troubled teens who are going through exactly what you are going through. I promise you aren’t the only one! Also I suggest you go to your local city and see if there are any stop bullying groups you could join to get the word out that bullying needs to stop! It’s not just fun and games because there are some tragic consequences and bullying needs to be brought to an end. Last but not least, don’t forget you are not alone in this and what they are saying doesn’t matter nor does it define you! It will get better!

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This article has 2 comments.

Todo981 said...
on May. 21 2015 at 11:02 am
Todo981, Lago Vista, Texas
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
-grandma whoops sorry

Todo981 said...
on May. 21 2015 at 11:01 am
Todo981, Lago Vista, Texas
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
Wow, this was outstanding! It was heart to heart. I can't believe that had happened to you! You really got to me in this story! Way to go!