9th Grade | Teen Ink

9th Grade MAG

By Anonymous

   9th Grade by C. P., Westford, MA

At the beginning of September '92, I was scared and nervous. I was about to make the jump from middle school to my freshman year at Westford Academy. Back in September, many questions ran through my mind: Would the upperclassmen pick on me? Would I ever be able to figure out the schedule? Would I be able to handle the homework? Most of all, would I have fun?

Now it's summer and I am closer to being a sophomore than a freshman and all the questions I had in September have been answered.

The upperclassmen were no problem, and many of them are now my friends. The schedule that seemed such a puzzle in September, I understood in a week. There was quite a lot of homework, but by budgeting my time and making use of my free period, it proved to be relatively easy.

Most important of all, I enjoyed my freshman year. I had a great group of teachers and I enjoyed most of my subjects. Sports played a major role in my year. Soccer and baseball proved great enjoyment as afterschool activities.

My grades were excellent. I made high honors every term and I did not even have to spend all my free time studying.

As I imagined, the giant step to high school was big, but it was also enjoyable and easy. High school has proved to be great fun, and a lot more enjoyable than middle school. I'm looking forward to the next three years at Westford Academy. n

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i love this so much!