Logan Lerman Interview | Teen Ink

Logan Lerman Interview

October 4, 2011
By NatalieKalamdaryan BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
NatalieKalamdaryan BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.”
― Marilyn Monroe

1. What can audiences expect from the film?
Well, a little bit of everything. They can expect romance, action, just a lot of fun; but also it’s not your typical Three Musketeers film. It’s definitely a more heightened, exciting and fun version of that classic story.

2. Can you tell us about your character D'Artagnan?
D’Artagnan is a very cocky, young swordsman, who at the beginning of the film is leaving his home and travelling to the big city of Paris to become a Musketeer. He is just a courageous young man.

3. There are some epic fight scenes in the movie.
What was the process of training for this role?
It was intense. We went through months and months of training. We really set a high bar for ourselves while making this film to make the action original, detailed and intracet. We just worked really hard.

4. What was your initial reaction when you found out you had booked the iconic role of D' Artagnan?
I was really surprised and flattered. It is such an iconic character. I was portraying a character that is part of a story that everyone knows. It is pretty flattering but intimidating at the same time.

5. There are obivously a lot of cool special effects that are apart of this film. What was the shooting process like as opposed to filming a movie that doesn't invlove special effects.
There are definitely a lot of explosions and the occasional green screen. You definitely won’t find that in a drama or something like that. It’s pretty different but kind of fun at the same time.

7.You were able to film this movie at some pretty awesome locations, including Austria. What was it like living in a different country for a few months?
It was incredible. It was out of this world. Two years ago, I would have never imagined being able to have that experience. It was the experience of a lifetime,it was great.

8.Do you have a favorite memory from set?
I have a lot. The whole thing was just so much fun. The cast and crew got along so well and we would all just socialize together. It was just a good time.

9. What are some of your goals and aspirations career wise?
I just want to work with filmakers that I really appreciate and just maintain that. I want to choose a variety of great characters as well.

10. Why should viewers go see this film?
I think it’s a theater experience that is unlike anything you have seen before; especially from a Three Musketeers film. But visually this film is one of the best 3D films I have ever seen.

11. Do you have any social networks well where your fans can connect with you?
I do have a twitter that I just started using a few months ago. It’s pretty addictive. My twitter name is @LoganLerman

The author's comments:
Logan Lerman is a 19 year old actor who is probably most known for his roles in 'Hoot,' 'The Butterfly Effect,' 'What Women Want,' and 'The Number 23.' He showed a lot of potential for being the next Hollywood "It" guy in 2010 with the hit teen film, 'Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief.' He is currently gearing up for the release of two films including 'The Three Musketeers' and 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower.' I was recently able to speak with him over the phone during a press junket for his new film the Three Musketeers. He told me about what audiences could expect from this modern take on a classic film!

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This article has 1 comment.

Jazzy said...
on Oct. 19 2011 at 6:01 pm
I love Logan 10 times more after this interview lol. He seems so chill and I absolutely can't wait for Three Musketeers! Thanks for a great interview Natalie <3