Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 4, 2019
By LBurt16 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
LBurt16 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
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Educator of the Year

It isn’t often that a person completely improves and rearranges your future. He was insanely tall (reaching about 6’2) and has a deep voice, that you could barely hear, that when he spoke to me I had a little fear inside me.. A high school English teacher at Holy Apostles Elementary School and tutors in reading named Eric, who is now a married father of four beautiful children.

From a young age I have struggled with understanding  reading and comprehending it. Eric was the only person who made a difference for me. His creative techniques and learning skills were helpful. He helped me spell out words in a pan of shaving cream. He asked me to place a letter on a plastic bowling pin, and knock  down the pins that spelled out the words. His learning style was fun for a 11th year old and as the tutoring continue a relationship grew stronger.

We then began tutoring sessions at his house and, he would invite me to stay and have dinner with them. He would tell my mom when I was working really hard, and when he feels that I deserve to have dinner or something special. Knowing that I had dinner for working hard made me feel that I was improving myself in a way that could be better for me.

Eric continues to teach me in real life examples and activities. In sixth grade which was my last year at my old school, Darryl Lynn Hines Academy, every year there was a book fair. The book fair had lots of book and fun and creative pencils and pens that change color as you write. Eric and I once went to the book fair. I remember grabbing a Diary of a Wimpy Kid books called “Do it yourself.” It allows you to creature an entire story of your own, with pictures that you would include. Eric bought the book for me but wouldn't give it to me. I was upset because I was hoping I could have it. I remember him saying, “I’ll give it to you when you can read an entire book.” He gave me a book that many students in my grade were reading, but because I was behind in reading, I knew it was going to be challenging. He handed me a book and I tried reading it but it never had interested me, and until I had read it I wouldn't get the book. Due to the book also being so difficult I didn’t read it, therefore I never got the book I wanted.

I stopped tutoring after 6th grade when I moved to Hartland. Last time I saw Eric was when my sister graduated Arrowhead High School in 2015. He agreed to meet with us for dinner and he was congratulating my sister. We had a discussion and between the years 2012 and 2015, with me transfering schools in Hartland, I had explained to him that my reading ability has gradually increased and that because of his work, I made honor roll three times in a row for good grades in classes such as writing and reading. Due to my hard work he gave me my book, but I was at an age where I no longer wanted it but I was appreciative and used it.

Throughout the tutoring journey, I overcame my ability to read and I continued to pass my classes and get good grades. That one person has lead me to a better education and career in the future.

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