Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 5, 2019
By ahs-writer BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
ahs-writer BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
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At the age of 16 I met Amy Fanning. Amy is an Arrowhead High School Young Life leader. I remember when I first met her; the first time I went to a Young Life club. When I walked in, I noticed how bubbly she looked, greeting everyone as they walked in. I had no idea what Young Life consisted of or what I’d be doing, but my mom had strong feelings towards me joining. After that night, I knew it wasn’t going to join for my mom. I was joining for me. She has influenced my life for short time I’ve known her.

At every club there’s something called a ‘skit’, Young Life’s exciting way to inform the group of upcoming events. Amy did one skit that I will remember for the rest of my life. She came out in a bright 80’s tracksuit, an old grandma wig, and called herself dabbin’ Deb. Never in my life have I seen a middle age women dress up to look older but act like a teenager. A wave of laughter flowed over me and the rest of the audience. At that moment, I knew that my choice to join Young Life was the right decision.

After a few months attending the Young Life club, I decided to go to Polar Bear camp. Spending a weekend in Lake Geneva seemed scary to me at the time. But I was lucky enough to get Amy as my leader for the weekend. As one of my first Young Life camps being in an unfamiliar place I was anxious for what the weekend would hold. But she was super welcoming and taught everyone like her own child, which reminded me of my mom. She had a homey vibe, allowing me to be more comfortable. She was like a bear protecting her own cubs. I felt safe with her as my leader, and she took the fear away.

That weekend we had cabin talks where we’d discuss the club (the bible study). In these talks you connect your life through the sermin and talk about how you can alter your life and get help with what your struggling with. Amy would listen, and say “God is the light that shines through, and can help you no matter what your problem is… you just have to seek him.” It did not matter what was going on in our lives, she still loved us for who we were and made it known that God does the same thing. This allowed me to trust people and open up even if it was personal. I felt honored to have someone to go to when I was hurting or needed some guidance.

I had an unbelievable time at my first polar bear camp I decided to go back again the following year. There Amy told everyone that she didn’t feel good enough to guide kids through christ. She didn’t know if she was going to continue being a leader. She had let me see the world through different eyes. To live life through the lord. And to trust God. But most importantly she taught me that it doesn’t matter who you are or what you have done; someone on this Earth loves you with all their heart.

So thank you Amy for showing me that in this world there is so much hate and darkness. You taught me to be a light, to change things for the better, and to always stay positive no matter what is happening. Thank you for showing me how to be myself, and to embrace others for who they are. And thank you for making me feel welcomed and loved in a club I wasn’t sure about joining. Amy you are- da bomb.

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