Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 5, 2019
By megan4321 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
megan4321 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On my first day of school at north campus at Arrowhead High School,(the campus for juniors and seniors—freshmen and sophomores were at south campus) I walked in, nervous. I didn’t know anyone in my classes, specifically my first hour class, accounting. The moment I stepped through the door I was greeted warmly by my teacher, Mrs. Klun. Later that day I arrived at Mrs. Klun’s room again for seventh hour. This time it was for business law and it already felt like I belonged there.

Mrs. Klun: kind, likeable, up-beat, nourishing. Like a mother to everyone, she quickly catches on when her students have a bad day and understands them and how they’re feeling. Mrs. Klun loves to have conversations with her students—whether it is about school (she loves staying up to date on criminal cases), students’ lives, or her own life, she enjoys getting to know each and every one of her students. Because of this, her students feel welcomed and enjoy coming to her class, eager to learn.

This past year, I went to Seattle over Thanksgiving break. When I told Mrs. Klun I’d be missing two days of school, she asked where I was going. I explained I was going to Seattle and she recounted her past trips there and gave me suggestions on places to go. Unlike my other teachers that groaned because they had to get things ready for me, Mrs. Klun was excited for me and genuinely cared about what I was doing.

My parents travel often which means I have to take care of my younger brother and sister and get them to school. On one occasion, I needed to come in late to school. At first I didn’t want to tell Mrs. Klun I’d be missing half of her first hour class. But when I finally did, she completely understood. Being a mother herself, and a teacher, she knows how important school is, and was supportive of me being twenty minutes late to school. Once I arrived, she asked me how my morning went and about my siblings.

Another time I got sick. Ten minutes after the first bell. As soon as I returned from the bathroom, Mrs. Klun knew something was up. I slowly walked to her desk and whispered, quite loudly, that I had gotten sick in the bathroom. She consoled me and wrote me a pass to the nurse while recommending teas I could try to calm my stomach.

Mrs. Klun is a teacher that I will never forget. Thank you Mrs. Klun for all the moments you spent having simple, meaningful conversations with me. Thank you Mrs. Klun for being accepting. And finally, thank you Mrs. Klun for inspiring me to be a kinder person. I look forward to having you next year in AP Microeconomics!

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