My Favorite Teacher | Teen Ink

My Favorite Teacher

November 19, 2019
By Carror BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Carror BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The first few weeks at Arrowhead High School were difficult.  I was being pushed to think about my career path. At the time, I did not excel in any subject, and I did not have many interests.  But, during the first day of school of freshman year, I walked into Mrs. Feutz’s science class to a sudden realization — this class was going to be fun.  The room was plastered with posters, the lab tables were labeled with the names of famous scientists, and it was welcoming.  She walked into the room with a bright smile on her face and vitality that could fuel us all.

She was approachable, a trait most teachers do not possess.  For the first time, I looked forward to attending a class. Right away, I could tell she appreciated fashion. Every day, we were surprised by a new outfit of hers. An extravagant outfit paired with her radiating happiness was different. (In a good way.)

As the year progressed, she seemed just as joyful as the first day of school.  She pumped everyone full of energy and contentment as she taught us, starting off the morning with “how’s everybody doing today?”  She focused on getting to know her students individually, talking with us in between hours, during passing time. I soon realized we shared common interests. 

One time, my friend Tracie had a headache.  She gave everyone else a paper to work on while she knelt down by her desk.  Then, she asked me to take Tracie to the health room. After I got back, she asked me “is Tracie okay?”  Mrs. Feutz deeply cared about her students, it was both alarming and refreshing to experience.

Having Mrs. Feutz as a teacher made me feel more comfortable with school.  She never refused to help me when I needed it. I felt comfortable asking questions and being myself around her.  She understood me and seemed as if she enjoyed teaching. She knew everything about me—my small dilemmas, my chronic headaches, and she understood my sense of humor.

Mrs. Feutz was continuously kind to everybody.  Whether it was assisting those who needed it, greeting her students in the hallway, or making a joke to provoke laughter, she did it all.  Her thoughtfulness and her amiability caused me to become a more understanding person. She taught me people can be different, and they all deserve to be treated with respect and care.

I never thought that my ninth grade science teacher would influence me as greatly as she did.  Not only did she help with my development as an individual, but also inspired me to go into the science field for a career.  Mrs. Feutz motivated me to become a kindhearted individual, and I am glad I had the chance to have her as not only an educator, but also an inspiration.

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