Mr. Seymour Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Mr. Seymour Educator of the Year

January 13, 2020
By Tyleraugustt BRONZE, New Castle, Delaware
Tyleraugustt BRONZE, New Castle, Delaware
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Mr. Seymour was a good teacher but an even better person. He taught more than science ,and he helped each one of his students be way better than they ever thought.

         Mr. Seymour has been teaching at Gunning Bedford for about 19 years. He teaches 8th-grade science. During his time at Gunning Bedford, he’s coached two sports, baseball and wrestling. He is an excellent coach as he instills discipline for the teams and his students. He attended Wilmington University and played baseball there as well. He made me a better person on and off the field. Mr. Seymour was, by far, my favorite teacher. He taught us how to do all of the science, but he also taught us how to be successful outside the classroom. He always pushed us to do sports and get involved in other stuff. Overall, he was a good teacher, wonderful person, and above all, a great role model.

        Mr. Seymour was a science teacher at GunningBedford for 19 years. He is the science teacher of team 8A. He is a super funny and caring person. Gunning Bedford wasn’t the greatest community, and it had students coming to it without a parent or with other personal issues. He accepted every single one of his students no matter where they came from and how they acted. He prioritized , and made everyone feel welcomed. He was open to talk about anything and everything if you needed to. He would teach in a way where everyone could understand and thoroughly learn. He was more of a father figure than anything else. Every student he’s had has loved him and will agree with me that’s he’s their favorite teacher.


         Mr. Seymour was my middle school baseball and wrestling coach for three years. He taught some things about baseball, but above all, he taught me how to be a good leader. I used to have a terrible attitude and I only care about myself while playing baseball. During the 7th and 8th grades, we connected a lot, and he showed me that baseball is a team sport. He continually told me we need a team to win, not just one player. The team was good that year; we went undefeated and impressed Mr. Seymour. During my 8th grade wrestling year, we thought we had bit of a bad team. But he trusted me enough to be the captain of the team and lead them to their 8th straight year undefeated. We had many challenges throughout the year, but we persevered through and bested the best team in the state, Smyrna. The team and I all bought into Mr. Seymour's plan, and it worked out.


       Mr. Seymour was more than just a teacher to me. He was a role model of somebody I want to live like. He taught me way more than just 8th-grade science; he taught me more about life and how to live it. I'm beyond thankful for him and what he has done to me. He’s my nomination for Teen Inks Educator of the Year.

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I'm 14 and I attend Dma.

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