Coach Matt Rossiter-EOY | Teen Ink

Coach Matt Rossiter-EOY

January 13, 2020
By mattavery5 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
mattavery5 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When some people hear the word “educator”, they often picture a college professor or a school teacher. When I think of an educator, I think of someone who has helped me advance academically, or someone who has helped me progress in an area I may not have been very skilled in otherwise. For me, this person could be my teachers, coaches, or someone who has had a hand in educating me in any way, shape, or form. When I was given the task of nominating an Educator of the Year, I found it very hard to think of only one person in my life that is deserving of this award. After a lot of thought, I chose to nominate an assistant coach for Delaware Military Academy’s wrestling team, Coach Matt Rossiter. In addition to being the dad of a fellow wrestler, Coach Matt is an accomplished wrestler, and an understanding and patient adult.

Wrestling is a very technical and hands on sport, and Coach Matt is not afraid to embrace this. Even after a long day’s work at his full time job, he still comes to practice full of energy. He throws on his knee pads and wrestling shoes, puts his mouth guard in, and rolls around just like he’s one of the kids. Sometimes, when we do live practice matches, I find myself without a partner in my weight class. Without hesitation, Coach Matt jumps in and beats himself up, just so he can teach me to be a better wrestler. In a very respectful way, Coach Matt weighs significantly more than me, and he is definitely taller than me too. This doesn’t mean that I am at a disadvantage at all because Coach Matt will lower himself to each individual wrestler’s skill level. This is an amazing thing that he does, because having a challenging partner, one that will make me work hard for the pin, but not to the point I become discouraged, helps me build onto my strengths, and build my skills. I can work on my shots, but I can also work on defending shots taken on me. It is not just me who benefits from Coach Matt, it is every single kid in that wrestling room. Everyone can rely on him to get down to their level and roll around on those sweaty mats, for their progression as well.

Coach Matt’s faith and involvement continues even off of the mats. He is very supportive and is there solely for everyone but himself. When I am given the choice of who I want in the coach’s corner, I choose him. Because Coach wrestles with us, he personally knows what our strong suits are, and what we should not try to pull in a match. For the most part, he lets me take the initiative on how I want to wrestle my match. But when I’m stuck, he always has plan or idea that could win me the tournament. I’ve only been on the team, and I have known Coach Matt for less than one season, but I’ve still never witnessed him give up on a wrestler, no matter how discouraged. More importantly, he never lets a wrestler give up on themselves. Coach Matt’s example of perseverance really rubs off on the wrestlers. His heart for the sport, and the kids, is what helps get me through a tough match.
The most important reason I chose Coach Matt, and the most influential reason to me, is that he is like a father figure to every wrestler on the team. Have you ever had a friend whose parent treats you like a second child? Well, that’s how Coach Matt treats the whole wrestling family whether you’re varsity or not. He truly cares about every wrestler’s well-being, and not only about winning. Coach Matts is like a friend, and more supportive than a majority of the kids on the team. He’s the first one I’ll show a new move to, and he’s always right there to help me perfect it. Despite having his own biological son on the team, we are all like his children. If that’s not commitment, then I don’t know what is.
In conclusion, I can’t think of anyone more selfless, and more supportive than Coach Matt. He gives up after-work hours and very long weekends, just to see kids succeed in a sport he loves. The team, and my own wrestling career, would be vastly different if not for Coach Matt’s presence. He has played such an influential part in my first year as a high school wrestler; he’s teaching me how hard it is going to be, but he’s working also with me through drilling. If you play sports, or any sort of club, think of this. For these three reasons, I believe Coach Matt Rossiter is a perfect choice for Educator of the Year.

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