Ms. Bonlender | Teen Ink

Ms. Bonlender

March 9, 2020
By Anonymous

“What are you doing,” I swung my head around to see you standing in front of the room, chuckling and shaking your head as I popped a squished skittle into my mouth. No teacher could possibly be prepared for what was coming. It was freshmen year first semester, likely the worst behaved class ever. Everyone got a little too comfortable and a little too fast, at that point we all knew this semester would go terribly. 

Whether it was 6:45 in the morning or during my study halls, you never kicked me out. You were there for me, for math help or just to talk. You were the most approachable teacher I have ever had, that's what a kid needs when he’s struggling. You pushed me to seperate from my friends in class and buckle down. That is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me, especially for a teacher.

The second semester came, I was no longer with any of my friends. Most days I would sit at your table, asking questions or getting distracted. You were able to keep me on task and still have time to socialize. Everyday you reminded me “we aren’t friends,” but I could still tell I was your favorite student. 

When the new school year started, I was upset that you weren't my teacher anymore. However, not a day went by that I didn't visit your room or at least have a short conversation. I would go to your tutor table and talk, rarely about math but I still wasn't an unwanted company. 

I’ve never had a teacher care for me as much as you did. You made me realize the importance of school and how one's behavior is a direct relation to someone's personality. Nor have I had a teacher beat me to my own joke, or find the humor in a joke before me. So to my teacher and friend, Ms. Bonlender, I will never forget what you have done for me and the effect you have had on me in highschool.

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