Julie Lindahl | Teen Ink

Julie Lindahl

March 10, 2020
By Anonymous

I never thought someone could have a huge impact on my life like Ms. Lindahl did. Ms. Lindahl was there for me during my freshman and sophomore years of high school at Catholic Memorial. She was available from the moments I needed her the most. To moments, where I just wanted to joke around and have fun. I knew if I had something going on I could go to her. My freshman year my first year of high school I knew Ms. Lindahl because she knew my dad. So I knew if I had a problem I could go to her. 

My freshman year I went to her to just talk about life. But my sophomore year went south. One day I went into her office crying about something that happened. She stopped what she was doing to talk to me and I told her everything. It made me feel better to get everything out. Things did not get better. They got worse to the point I would hate going to lunch so I ate it in her office and she was ok with that. We would laugh and joke around and it made me feel like I could get through this. 

Things still did not get better. I knew that she could help so I went to her office and talked to her and told her how I was feeling when she listened to me. We talked about it. I cried about things that were ok to cry about. I would always tell her “I just want to leave” and she would say “no you don’t” and I would come back with “I am just done with everything there is only so much I can take” and she understood that I have dealt with a lot. 

I was tired of dealing with this stuff and did not want to go to school because of everything but I knew I had to get through the year there but I did not want to. Things just keep getting worse to the point I would go half days and basically sit in Ms. Lindahls off the whole morning so I would not have to deal with anyone. 

She was the first person I went to when I decided to move school. She told me that she was going to miss me and I started to cry. She was someone I did not like to tell bad things to. She was someone I told good things about my relationships, my friendships out of school, how my sports where going, and even my family things she was someone I could alway go to and to have to tell her I was giving up on trying to make things work at cmh and that I need a new start was hard. 

Saying goodbye was the hardest day, knowing I gave up but knowing I needed a new start. Walking in my last day of school I was excited for a new start and sad having to say goodbye to people I did not want to. I walked into Ms. Lindahls office on the last day of exams and started to cry. I knew how much she meant to me and having to say goodbye was hard. I did not want to leave her. I wish she could come do the same job at arrowhead so I could see her everyday. She is someone extremely special to me she helped me through so much. I can’t even explain in words how thankful I was for her last school year. Without her I don’t know where I would have been last year.   

I wrote about you because I care about you and what you did for me last year and I just wanted to say Thank you for everything. I really appreciate it. I wanted to tell you I am doing great at Arrowhead. I love it here, I am staying out of drama and just having the time of my life with the amount of friends I have. I come home everyday from school and say how I am so thankful I moved. I know you may not want to hear this but it was the best decision I made to move schools. My grades are great and my friendships are growing. I truly think this was the right fit for me. But I am still extremely thankful for what CMH taught me and how to be a strong person when things go bad. Thank you again.

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