Mr. Ron Reichle | Teen Ink

Mr. Ron Reichle

April 11, 2022
By ana16c GOLD, Hartford, Wisconsin
ana16c GOLD, Hartford, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On the first day of school of my senior year, I walked into the AP European History classroom expecting a typical history class: probably mundane and forgettable. However, as soon as Mr. Reichle began to welcome us all, I knew my assumption was wrong. His energy was infectious; his enthusiasm filled the room every time he spoke. I couldn’t help but get excited about humanism during the Renaissance or Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses.

As the weeks passed, the class grew better and better. One day, Mr. Reichle casually strolled into class, donning a large red cape, a powdered wig, and an officer's cap from the cold war. The occasion? Absolutism! His quirky outfit portraying leaders from different eras set the tone for the unit perfectly. His educational antics continued throughout the year— he’d play The Man by Taylor Swift when talking about women’s inequality in the 1600s, or recreate Russian political cartoons about Peter the Great’s westernization of Russia by having us cut fake beards.

Some of my most vivid memories from the class are from our hands-on experiences. Once, he had us re-enact a meeting from the scientific revolution; each student took on the role of a different thinker or scientist. I was Galileo, and discussed heliocentrism and politics of the time with Copernicus, Kepler, and Brahe. I now have a clear memory of Galileo’s trial, meeting spaces in the late 1500s, and the conflict between science and the Catholic church.

As Christmas drew nearer, Mr. Reichle shared one of his favorite books with us: Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. We watched clips of the movie, read sections of the book, discussed its perspective on the industrial revolution in the 1800s, and the conditions of workers during that time.

His lectures are always interwoven with hilarious personal stories. I remember the Italian Renaissance with vivid images of him running to see the Pope passing by on the street, or the wide roads paved for World War II’s military parades, where he was almost run over trying to take a photo for the class. His anecdotes bring the curriculum to life and fill the students with a love and passion for history.

Mr. Reichle’s passion for learning was not limited to the classroom, however. Oftentimes, he makes short, humorous videos for us related to the current unit while he’s at home, quoting A Christmas Carol or recreating a Romantic painting of the French Revolution.

Never before had I felt so engaged in a class; as a person who learns better by doing and discussing (rather than listening alone) I finally felt I was in a class with a teaching style that matched my learning style. Our large-group discussions and debates are always memorable and exciting, and encourage me to look at things from a new perspective.

Thanks to his creativity, positivity, and energetic love for learning, Mr. Reichle helped rekindle my love for history and academics. No matter how dreary the day or detailed the topic, he always managed to engage me, make me smile, and teach me something new.

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