Mrs. Klun | Teen Ink

Mrs. Klun

February 14, 2024
By TylerDavis1 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
TylerDavis1 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mrs. Klun: the best teacher at Arrowhead High School. Because of her charming personality and untroubled attitude towards everything, she is my favorite teacher. She is the most relatable teacher I have ever had, and I always look forward to her classes each and every day. 

At the beginning of my senior year, I was enrolled in AP Microeconomics which is taught by Mrs. Klun. I was very nervous to take this class because of its difficulty, but it seemed like everybody recommended the class because of her. While taking this class, Mrs. Klun quickly became my favorite teacher.

I realized that not only was she super nice and helpful with the class, but she was also someone that I could relate to. She is one of the only teachers I am able to comfortably talk to about basically anything. I never have to feel scared to ask for extra help or get a question wrong because I know she will never judge me, and instead, help me. 

At the end of the first semester, I had the chance to do something that I thought was never a possibility: earn an “A” in the class. I studied hard to try and finish out the semester strong. Mrs. Klun encouraged me to keep working hard because she knew that I could do it. And, after lots of dedication and motivation, I did it.

Going into my second and final semester at Arrowhead, I had an open period in my schedule. Because I am an aspiring business major, I decided to add Business Law. Luckily, Mrs. Klun happened to be teaching this class too, so I would get her for two periods every single day. So far, this second semester has been the best semester of my high school career.

Although her main job is in the classroom as a teacher, she is also so much more. She is the mother to two kids who I can tell she loves just by the way she talks about them during class. She loves doing everyday things like shopping, hot yoga, and listening to Taylor Swift. Also, she is the AHS Investment Club Co-Advisor which relates to me as I am the Investment Club Vice President. She is a very involved person who easily stays happy by doing the things she loves. 

Because of Mrs. Klun’s charismatic and inspiring attitude towards me, I have grown as both a learner and a person. Although her job title is as a business teacher, she is also a “life coach.” She has taught me so much in the little time that I have known her, and she really makes me excited to come to school and her classes. I think that it is important for teachers to inspire their students, and Mrs. Klun has done that for me. 

The author's comments:

I am a senior at Arrowhead High School in Hartland, Wisconsin and Mrs. Klun is my AP Microeconomics and Business Law teacher.

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