Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

July 18, 2009
By Anonymous

I never really knew what a good teacher was until I had Mr. Barder. He was my art teacher freshman year. Most of the art teachers I had before would give you an assignment but then they would make you change something if it wasn’t the way that they thought it should look. But the way Mr. Barder taught was different. Hw would give us an assignment and then let us make it look how we wanted. He would walk around and look at everyone’s work and if you needed help with a certain thing he would show you how to do it, and give you different tips you could use. He used to work in animation and was one of the few teachers that taught from his experiences. I learned so many useful things in his class and he taught me that your artwork is only finished if you are happy with it. I also learned to pay more attention to the little detail of things, which I never used to do. Mr. Barder might look a little crazy, but he is definitely one of the best teachers I have ever had and this is why I am nominating him for Educator of the Year

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