Paul Brester | Teen Ink

Paul Brester

February 14, 2013
By Michael Vernon BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Michael Vernon BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m not one that will typically pick a favorite teacher. To me, there were just some teachers that were more enjoyable than others. When I really got to thinking about it; however, there is one teacher that I enjoyed having the most, Mr. Paul Brester.
Mr. Brester taught my multimedia and my accounting classes and they were both very fun to be in. He teaches his class by first introducing us to what the lesson is going to be about, then he would have you do a few practice problems and then later give you the assignment. While we work, Mr. Brester will talk with the class, not just about the lesson or the class subject, but about what’s going on in our lives outside of school such as work, sports, weekend plans, and the like. He enjoyed hearing about where students were working and he would sometimes go to visit his students workplaces in order to see them. Mr. Brester will use nicknames that have been given to someone during a sport or during a funny event in class.
When I first had Mr. Brester for a multimedia class, I already had a mindset that almost all the teachers in school had a monotonous routine of teach for forty minutes and then move on to the next class to teach, but when Mr. Brester started his class, it was like a whole new experience. Having Mr. Brester as a teacher reminded me that teachers do have a life outside of the classroom and the school. I had fun in the class and I learned quite a bit about some computer programs and I still use that knowledge to this day.
The multimedia class was great and I thought I lucked out on having Mr. Brester as a teacher but when I looked at my schedule for my junior year and saw that I had him for accounting, I knew that I was in for a treat. Mr. Brester’s accounting class was a bit difficult at first, but Mr. Brester explained how everything from debits and credits, to income statements and balance sheets. When I struggle in classes, I tend to keep to myself and try to figure out on my own, but with Mr. Brester, I felt like I can actually talk about what I need help on and get the necessary help I need to do so.
I don’t typically think of a favorite teacher, but with Mr. Brester, I feel I can make an exception for all the awesome things that he does as both a teacher and a person. That is why I nominate Mr. Paul Brester for Educator of the Year.

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