Mrs. Berg: My Favorite Educator | Teen Ink

Mrs. Berg: My Favorite Educator

February 14, 2013
By AngelaGebhard SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
AngelaGebhard SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are a lot of people who have taught me something important, but not all of them are as inspiring as Mrs. Berg. She has taught me a lot of life lessons that no one else has. If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have passed a single math class the last two years.

How do you thank someone for helping you out so much? Not with money, or passion. But thankfully, I don’t have to worry about that with Mrs. Berg because she doesn’t ask me to thank her. She loves her job so much that it’s not even like her job, which is giving kids like me, extra help with homework and classes if we don’t understand, it’s like a hobby. She reminds me of SpongeBob, always making me smile and laugh. This is obvious, when you see Mrs. Berg’s face light up; every time she’s in the room and I go in there for help, or when I am sharing a joke with her, she is so happy all the time. And she is also always welcoming and willing to help.

The way Mrs. Berg teaches is different from any other teacher. She actually sits down with you and works out the problems. She doesn’t get frustrated and she takes the time each student understand. Mrs Berg takes the time to teach me individually, and she has learned how I learn best, so then she helps even more. That shows how great she is. She’s taking her own time to help me learn, and during that, she’s observing me to see the easiest way to help me succeed.

If I didn’t make it clear enough that Mrs. Berg is such an inspiring figure to me, then I don’t know what else will. I get such an inspiring feeling whenever I think about her, because she’s fantastic, and thoughtful.

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