Educator of the Year 2013-Mr.Cooke | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year 2013-Mr.Cooke

April 9, 2013
By lexipapa BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
lexipapa BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

From “Ease on Down the Road” to “Mama I’m a Big Girl Now” Mr. Cooke always knew how to make students enjoy their last day even more than they already were. His positive attitude and little things like remembering students’ names made him unforgettable and admired by faculty, students, and parents. That is why I have nominated him for Educator of the Year.
Some teachers have to worry about learning the names of their students, unlike Mr. Cooke who had to remember the names of all the students in his school. It made the kids, feel special when he would say hi to you in the hallway; well at least it did for me. You weren’t just another problem child getting called down to the office or another kid walking down the hallway; he wanted to help you succeed throughout your school career, and he respected your views and opinions. He never gave up on students; as many times as they could have gotten called down to the office, he was always patient with them, and throughout my time at Brandywine Springs I never once heard him yell. He was the kind of guy who loved his job and the people he worked with.
The rainiest of days probably couldn't have stopped Mr. Cooke from being in a good mood. He was always happy and fun to be around. He always joked around with students, making them smile. Some days you and your friends would get lucky enough to hangout in his office and play checkers, until he needed your help around the school, getting boxes or hanging up flyers. That was always fun.
Overall, I think Mr. Cooke was someone many students looked up, someone who helped them strive to do their best, someone who the staff enjoyed working for, and someone parents enjoyed having as their children’s schools’ principal. Never once have I heard parents or faculty members speak badly of him.
Even though he is now retired, living his life to the fullest, I will never forget his time as my principal; he made my school year more enjoyable along with everyone else’s. I was sad to see him go but glad to have enjoyed my time with him at school.

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