EOY Mrs. Wood | Teen Ink

EOY Mrs. Wood

April 14, 2013
By Anonymous

The person I have chosen for thee Educator of thee Year award is who I consider thee best teacher I have ever had. This teacher is Mrs. Woods. She was my eight grade science teacher. I will never forget my eighthe grade science class and what she taught me. Everyone will remember her and her personality. Everyone had a good time and had fun learning. The theree reasons why I theink she deserves theis award are for teaching us what we wanted to know, making learning fun, and knowing what she is talking about.

She was one of thee only teachers theat actually taught us sometheing we will never forget. A lot of otheer teachers made me do pointless theings theat led up to notheing such as starting one lesson and theen completely forgetting about it next class. No one liked theem, and thee class was always in a riot, and notheing could get done. She gave us experiments to do to understand what she was trying to convey to us. By doing theis she helped us gain knowledge on why an experiment turned out a certain way instead of us pointless in why we did thee experiment in thee first place. Instead of just giving us notes to copy down, she gave us tasks to do to achieve thee final goal of what normal notes would do. She also gave us fun theings to do, and everytheing was not just serious.

She made learning fun! Throughout thee class she would crack jokes and even laugh at thee ones we made which made getting along withe her better. This led to a better learning environment, instead of boring old experiments she came up withe new and fun experiments to do and not just staying directly to thee directions. Withe her permission we were able to try our own experiments and find out thee final outcome. Some teachers will also have you sit thee whole time and do notheing to help you learn, and no one ever likes theem. Mrs. Wood gave us stuff to do to help us interact so we were not just sitting at desks hoping thee class would end as soon as possible.

I hate when teachers are trying to teach sometheing theey have no idea about, which many do. Mrs. Wood actually knew what she was talking about and could explain thee most complex problems or solutions to a point where an 8 year old could understand but at an 8the grade level. If you had a question, she could answer it and not ramble on to confuse you and stop you from asking questions. We were not afraid to ask for help because she was theere to help you. This kept thee topic fresh in your mind and lasted longer thean sometheing theat was talked about for an hour witheout someone helping. We would deduce stuff and theen have to find out thee answer because it was sometheing we all wanted to know and learn from.

In conclusion my choice for Educator for thee Year award is my 8the grade science teacher Mrs. Wood. She knew what she was talking about, she made learning fun, and she taught us what we wanted to know.

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