My favorite coach | Teen Ink

My favorite coach

October 25, 2013
By Donte5 BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
Donte5 BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The teacher I picked was Mr. Hoffman for the teen ink contest. He's a great person and teaches you about life and how to approach it. He's a p.e teacher and a great football coach. He helps little kids at p.e stay out trouble and keep them in shape by making them play at p.e. I choose coach Hoffman because I like how he coach football and take care of little kids in physical education and I like his style of teaching.
He's been coaching me in football since I played in Greenville and that was my freshman year. He's a great person to be around and a great coach to have. He just started being a p.e coach and when I be around him at p.e he do a food job at that to. His style of teaching is laid back and he like joking around but it's a good thing to have a coach like that also a p.e teacher.
He helps coach the football team he's a running back and middle line backer coach witch I play those position. He's the head baseball coach and he does a gray job at that to. He helps the school by being the p.e coach and watching over the little kids of highland home school. He makes sure they all be safe and have fun doing it.
Coach Hoffman really get on me a lot because he says he see I got a lot of potential and I could make it somewhere in life and sports as we'll. He's been talking to a lot of college coaches trying to get me in college and that motivates me to work harder and out do everybody else that participating in the same sport as we'll as my position.
I hope my coach Mr. Hoffman win because he's just a great person a great role model and I wouldn't want another coach except him cause he's the best at his job. It not just about when your around him he teaches you more about life then anything cause he want all of his players to make it somewhere. He's always bragging on me to coaches saying he hope I make it in college or maybe the NFL one day.

The author's comments:
It came from the heart.

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raja said...
on Feb. 26 2015 at 8:24 am
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