There is Always One | Teen Ink

There is Always One

October 25, 2013
By Brianna Hebert BRONZE, Lapine, Alabama
Brianna Hebert BRONZE, Lapine, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There is always one

Have you ever had one person who you could not imagine not having in your life. It does not have to necessarily be a family member or a close friend. This person I am referring to is my English teacher named Rebecca Sims. This woman holds so much of my future and I cannot thank her enough for all that she does. Let me describe this outgoing teacher to you.

Ms. Sims is no ordinary teacher. She has a very unique way of teaching all of her students. One thing I love about her is that she will always explain to us what is going on and she makes sure that we understand. Most teachers will not read along with us but sims does. Another thing about Sims is that she does not treat us like we are babies. Sometimes she can be very laid back, but do not let that side of her fool you. She will always give us lectures about why we need to study hard and give all of our effort in everything we do. She looks out for us and I am so thankful to have her as a teacher.

Ms. Sims is also very involved in our school activities. She is ahead of the English Honor Society and FutureTeachers of America. Sims is a very school spirited person. She will do whatever she can to help us seniors with our scholarships. Sims has bought the seniors a new flag for spirit to show at the pep rallies. She loves her seniors and will do what she can for them. Sims is also involved in the after school program where she helps little kids until there parents get off of work. She is very involved but she is also just a great individual to have as a friend.

Many people always say they want friends that are honest to them. Ms. Rebecca Sims is a very honest person. She is always there if you need someone to talk to. Sims is a teacher that really cares for our future. She is always getting scholarships prepared for us that could be months away. She is determined to have all of her students prepared for college. The thing I love about her is that she is not going to give up on us.

That one person I feel like I cannot live without is my teacher Ms. Sims. If I did not have her then I honestly do not know what I would do about my future. Sims is the type of teacher that is outgoing but she really cares. She is very involved in our school and takes time out just to help us with what we need. If I did not have her in my life, there is no telling where my future is going to go. I thank her so much for everything she does for us.

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