A Good Educator | Teen Ink

A Good Educator

October 25, 2013
By Latarica Robinson BRONZE, Luverne, Alabama
Latarica Robinson BRONZE, Luverne, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A Good Educator

I chose Mr. Douglas Bailey as the educator of the year for Highland Home School. He teaches math for ninth and tenth grades and he is also the athletic director. I'm a senior now and I still remember his ways in his class. I chose him because of his style of teaching, his involvement in school activities, and what he does for the school, class, or individual students. He tries hard to educate these students. This is why I'm choosing Mr. Douglas Bailey for educator of the year.

Mr. Bailey should be the educator of the year because of his style of teaching. The way he works out each problem until you understands it. He lets us do group work; personally that's helps me out a little. He listens to the questions you ask and he makes sure he answer each question until you understands the problem better. He doesn't show any expression that you're getting on his nerves by asking questions. He loves when the students ask questions. Here are a few of the reasons for me choosing Mr. Douglas Bailey.

My second reason for choosing Mr. Bailey for educator of the year because he's very involved in the school activities. He's the athletic director; but if he wasn't the athletic director he'll still participate in the school activities. He has a lot of school pride in his school. He goes to every game wearing the school colors, supporting the flying squadron. He support each sport. He buys from each sport when their doing fundraisers to raise money for their sport.

My third reason for nominating Mr. Bailey is because of what he does for the school, the class, and the students. Mr. Bailey helps the teachers get in their computers when their locked out of them. He organize the schedule for all games every year. He makes sure that every child that's playing a sport has what they need the play. At the school games, he's either taking up money or he's operating the score board. In the classrooms he makes sure you understand. If he's going to fast on a lesson and you tell him to slow down, he'll do that for you. If you're having a hard time keeping you're grades up; he'll let you come in his room in the mornings before school starts or at recess for one on one help. Mr. Bailey is an understanding person. If he can tell there's something wrong with you; he'll try his best to see what's wrong.He tries his best to keep all his students out of trouble. He motivates the students to focus on their school work. He helped me pass the math part of the grad exam. He worked with everybody and helped the students who wanted help. These are my reasons for nominating him for educator of the year.

In conclusion these are my reasons for nominating Mr. Douglas Bailey for educator of the year. His style of teaching is outstanding, he helped me pass the grad exam. His involvement in school activities he participate in everything. Last but not least; what he does for the school, his class, and what he does for the students of Highland Home School.

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