Coach Doug | Teen Ink

Coach Doug

October 28, 2013
By deonte_crenshaw4 BRONZE, Lapine, Alabama
deonte_crenshaw4 BRONZE, Lapine, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My favorite teacher is Coach Doug. He has a lot of different qualities. His style of teaching is great and outstanding. He is also involve in a lot of school activities. He does tremendous things for our school during his spare time.

His style of teaching changes everyday. Sometimes we do hands on work. But mostly we take notes everyday so we can learn more by changing up. We try to do projects on the lesson so we could understand more about the lesson. We play history games on our iPads to compete with each other.

Coach Doug is also involve in school activities by coaching the football team for 8 years. Also he is the (SGA) Student Government Association Reprsentive. He been the SGA Rep for 8 years. He also sells tattoos to the kids on Friday to support our flyboys. Coach Doug is a member of the quarterback club to help our football team.

He does a lot of stuff for our school. He buys banners for our school to make it look good. and gives the money he make from selling tattoos to the athletic program. He is also a alumni recipient for the hard work he does on campus.
Coach Doug is PTA member and helps out with the actives PTA sponsor like the fall festival.

In conclusion Coach Doug is a great teacher. His styles of teaching is very different from other teachers. Most try to copy his style but never succeed. He involvement in school activities is outstanding. The work he puts back in our school is outstanding because he buys things the student and school will need.

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