The Best Teacher Ever | Teen Ink

The Best Teacher Ever

October 25, 2013
By Ataylor51 BRONZE, Honoraville, Alabama
Ataylor51 BRONZE, Honoraville, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

For the “ Teen Ink Educator of the Year contest”, I nominate Ms. Rebecca Sims. She is a teacher at Highland Home School. The reason I nominate Ms. Sims is because she prepares us for college, helps out the senior class a lot, and disciplines her class very well. These are just some of the reasons for my nomination.

There are a number of ways she prepares us for college. One way she does this, is by making us read novels. One of the novels that we are currently reading is “ The Bluest Eyes” by Toni Morrison. Another way she prepares us for college is by giving us research papers. This helps us a lot. I know when we go to college that there will be a lot of research papers we must do. We also write a lot of essays too. So its a good thing we are being prepared.

There are a lot of things she does for the senior class also. When there are scholarships available, the senior class will know. She also helps with our senior gear. So that we can show off our school. Another way she helps the senior class, is by preparing us for the real world. The way she prepare us is by making us responsible for the work we do and do not do.

Ms. Sims also disciplines us well too. Especially, with the new technology we have now. All she has to do now is just send an email to our parents. Even though we do have this technology, she still just prefers to write us up. Just like the old days. Also, just like the old days, she schedules parent meetings sometimes. Not all meetings and emails mean you're in trouble. Some are just to help you.

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