Mrs. Carnell | Teen Ink

Mrs. Carnell

March 31, 2014
By Anonymous

Mrs. Carnell is not an average English teacher. I have had Mrs. Carnell for two classes throughout my high school years. Freshman year, I had her for English 9, and senior year, I currently have her for college strategies. Not only is she a very nice and generous teacher, but she is also one I can go to when I need to talk.
Mrs. Carnell has previously worked in MPS schools, and she has been working at Arrowhead High School for the past 20 plus years. Working in the MPS area has been an eye opener for her and she is now on a mission to help and change people’s lives.

Freshman year was a scary year for me. I was going into such a large school and I did not know many people. But when I walked into her classroom, I felt relieved and stress free. I felt like it was my second home. I could be myself and not get judged. As the year went on, I began to know her better and see what a great person she really is. She is one to go out of her way to help anybody who is in need because it is out of the kindness of her heart.

Senior year is the most stressful time of the year. I need to find out where I am going to go to college next year and decide what I want to do. While writing my college essay, I had no idea where to start or what to even write about. So I went to her for help. She took time out of her day and she used her lunch periods to help me write my essay. I couldn’t thank her enough for the work she did to help me get into the colleges I wanted.

A good educator should be a hard worker, they should love their job, and love working with kids. This is why I am choosing Mrs. Carnell as educator of the year because she goes out of her way to help kids at school be successful. Whether it is helping them graduate, helping them get a job, or helping stay out of trouble, she will drop anything she is doing if you ask her for help. Mrs. Carnell is always there to the rescue.

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