Ramona Armour | Teen Ink

Ramona Armour

March 31, 2014
By jimmyrustle SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
jimmyrustle SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you want to shine like the sun, first you have to burn like it.

“Bonjour!”, this small woman about 5’3’’, greeted us as freshmen, as we cautiously walked through the doorway. My scared, little freshman self, was wary at first, and almost intimidated by her. But this was embarrassing, considering I towered over her. But alas, I would see how this class would turn out, and if I even liked anything about French class.
Three years later, I would never have changed my decision to stay. Mademoiselle Armour grew on me. It was not immediately, but just like a plant needs water to grow, I need time to get to know her. Never have I witnessed, in my three years in French, Mademoiselle Armour be sad, sullen, or upset. Since we are learning a completely new language, we had our troubles and frustrations, but she did not once look or feel impatient. With her various quirks and different instruments of learning, like her using a fly swatter or her hating odd words, she brews a great atmosphere for learning, and having fun. The greatest thing that made Mademoiselle stand out for me, was her aptitude for fun. We as students can always have fun and never feel awkward or bored. She makes the class a blast and I know that others feel the same.
Last semester marked my third year in French. Every single person in my class was nice and funny. We loved Mademoiselle Armour, and her quirks, and witty comebacks. It was truly a great class. This semester is no different, as I have enjoyed every moment, even though learning a new language is hard.
Her commitment towards her students and her joyous and cheerful attitude make it hard for someone to not like her. She makes every class memorable, and I always love going to class every day. This is why she deserves this award.

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