Mrs. Foxwell | Teen Ink

Mrs. Foxwell

April 11, 2014
By Emily.Harvie BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Emily.Harvie BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Educator of the Year
Mrs. Foxwell

Throughout middle school and the beginning of high school I have to say that the best teacher i have ever had was Mrs. Foxwell. I'm sure that some teachers hate their jobs, some are probably content, some like their job, but very few love their job. I know that Mrs. Foxwell loves her job as a teacher. The way that she teaches is different from ay other teacher; she always has a smile on her face and she knows exactly how to make everyone else smile too. She always helps people, whether they're her students or not. Every minute of class that she wasn't teaching, she was with someone individually or as a group teaching. She would always ask how your day had been or what was going on outside of school; you could really tell that she cared. Some of the things that Mrs. Foxwell would say to me were what kept me going. She made me want to keep trying; she showed me that someone actually wanted to hear what I had to say.

Mrs. Foxwell was a huge motivation to me in middle school, and she still is now. Even when I wasn't in class, Mrs. Foxwell would still talk to me in the hallways, after school, and when I was on my way to other classes. After I was done taking Mrs. Foxwell's class, she still helped me with things like my high school applications. When I got nervous for interviews and other important events I thought back to the things that she taught me. Everything that we did in her business technology class was to prepare us for the future. There was always something new to learn, and I know that I'll use all that I learned from her in my future. Mrs. Foxwell is funny, helpful, and she knows how to keep your attention; her class was never boring. I had Mrs. Foxwell as a teacher for 3 years and as a substitute a few times before that. She taught me as much, if not, more than any other teacher in my entire life. If I had to choose any teacher that I would like to be like when I'm older, it would be Mrs. Foxwell.

Mrs. Foxwell is possibly the nicest teacher I've ever had. She was always willing to help, and she was always honest with me. Mrs. Foxwell could be fun and exciting, but she could also get things done and teach extremely useful material. She knew how to fix practically any problem with computers, and she could help me with almost anything. Mrs. Foxwell was not only a teacher but a friend. She knew how to make you laugh or smile whenever you needed it. Unlike some teachers, Mrs. Foxwell cared about me. Whenever I was upset or just having a rough day, she would always ask if I was ok and try to make me feel better. She taught me some of the most important things in life. Before I has Mrs. Foxwell as a teacher, I procrastinated, and I never got things done on time, but after just a few months with her, I was getting all of my work done before it was due. Mrs. Foxwell taught me some of the most basic skills when it comes to school, but they were the most important things too.

Mrs. Foxwell would always say "just do it", not to procrastinate and wait until the last minute because, whatever the task; it has to be done either way. Mrs. Foxwell taught me good study habits and techniques to be successful, not only in my school career, but in the business world too. She even taught me how to be a successful entrepreneur and how to create a business plan. I always got good grades in Mrs. Foxwell's class because I always wanted to learn more and everything she taught was interesting. One of the many important things that Mrs. Foxwell taught me how to do was typing. Typing is something that I ow use everyday, and I would be lost without it. Before I learned how to type it would take me hours to write papers, but now I prefer typing than writing, and I type everyday. There is no doubt in my mind that Mrs. Foxwell has taught me more than any other teacher in my life. I would be nowhere near as successful as I am now without Mrs. Foxwell as a teacher.

Mrs. Foxwell is the most important teacher that I have ever had. If you asked every student of Mrs. Foxwell, one thing that they will aways remember is the she made them laugh. Mrs. Foxwell has influenced every one of her students in one way or another. She would always say "you don't have to like me, but you should respect me" but I don't see how anyone could dislike Mrs. Foxwell. Mrs. Foxwell is the most influential teacher that I have ever had the pleasure of having, and that's why I think she deserves the Educator of the Year Award.

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This article has 4 comments.

LenaFoxwell said...
on Mar. 2 2017 at 12:58 pm
LenaFoxwell, Wilmington, Delaware
0 articles 0 photos 6 comments
Emily, that was so nice of you to write all that information and recognize my efforts. You truly deserve to walk the path of success and I feel honored that you were one of my students. Thank you again so much and keep working hard for all the goodness to follow. Miss you!!

Eva.Foxwell said...
on Feb. 15 2015 at 2:37 pm
This was so nice of you Emily. I'm so glad you are utilizing all the knowledge I taught you and I know you are going to be so successful whatever you do. Wishing you well as always.

FISHEEE123 said...
on Jan. 29 2015 at 10:42 am
This article is very true. People always said bad things about this class. But I LOVED IT!!!! Thank you Ms. Foxwell!!!!!!!!!!!

on Jan. 29 2015 at 10:41 am
Mrs. Foxwell is a great teacher!