Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

January 2, 2017
By aromaninsky BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
aromaninsky BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’ve had many teachers in the past, some I’ve enjoyed, and some I didn’t.  My favorite would have to be Ms. Seifred, my 8th grade math teacher.   She was an excellent teacher, mentor, and a great person overall.  I have a lot to thank her for, especially for getting me through Algebra 1. Overall, she was an amazing teacher and made my 8th grade year memorable.
As a teacher she always made learning exciting and tried to assign fun activities while teaching us what we needed to know. She gave us activities, puzzles and projects related to math so we wouldn’t get bored while doing our work. She also made the class enjoyable by always letting us work with a partner or in small groups.  She was very organized with her lessons, and I could tell she put time into planning them.  The way she taught was very put together and clear. Also, when I didn’t understand the concept of something, I could ask her, and she would explain it so that I understood.  I believe she was meant to be an 8th grade math teacher.
As a mentor she guided me through 8th grade so that I could be a better student.  She did this by always telling the class to be organized and prepared for whatever school brought. Also, she told us that what happens now will affect our future. At one point before finals I remember her saying how important it was to get an exceptional grade on it because it will count towards getting into a good high school.  She also explained that by going to a good high school would greatly affect our college career and future. She made it very clear to me that the future starts now. 
As a person she was very compassionate towards us when we didn’t understand something or when we had a question. She made it seem like that there are no pointless questions, and she made us feel very comfortable with asking for help. She was also strict and set high expectations, so we all knew she meant business, but at the same time she was still flexible and not so uptight. I could tell that she enjoyed her job and loved what she was doing.  That being said, she brought a lot of positive energy to the classroom.
Ms. Seifred was definitely my favorite teacher out of all the ones I’ve had so far.  As a teacher, mentor, and person she helped me succeed in Algebra 1 and made me realize how important it was to take school seriously.  She believed in me and gave me the ability to guide myself through my future school career.  She had a great influence on my life and I will always remember her, and that’s why I’m nominating her for the Educator of the Year Award.

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