Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

January 2, 2017
By tford BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
tford BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I came to the Delaware Military Academy, I was concerned about all the work that my teachers at my previous school warned me about. Anytime a student would complain about the work load, the teacher would tell them it would be worse in high school. The thing is my old teachers were right. The work load is bigger, but Mr. Walker, my civics teacher, makes it tolerable.
Mr. Walker is respectful to all students no matter their grades. In my old school, even if you were respectful to the teachers, they wouldn’t be respectful to you, but Mr. Walker respects us if we respect him.
  Mr. Walker is also proactive. He truly cares about your grades. Before midterms, he met us at Panera Bread if we wanted more practice or help understanding something. If you ask, he will also stay with you after school to help you with anything you don’t understand. His staying after school with me has helped me on several occasions.
My favorite thing that I like about Mr. Walker is that he evens out the work load. At my old school, the teachers would make you just take notes and would never teach. I hated the fact that it wasn’t my fault that I didn’t understand subjects, and I got bad grades. If I said “Can I stay after school?” they’d just say “Do your work”. Mr. Walker explains the notes at the time he provides them. He also doesn’t just give us notes; he lets us watch documentaries to support what we are learning.
I chose Mr. Walker as my Educator of the Year because I truly respect him, and he respects me back more than any other teacher I’ve had yet. I’m excited to continue having his class.

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