Senor Schaffer | Teen Ink

Senor Schaffer

April 21, 2017
By Arianna Barr BRONZE, Wilmington , Delaware
Arianna Barr BRONZE, Wilmington , Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the Eifel (a region in germany) it wasn't so easy due to the permanent dark and gloomy sky, but Senor Schaffer always found away to engage us into learning. He has good sense of humor, he always thought outside of the box on ways to teach us a foreign language, and he always offered extra opportunities to get a better grade. I would love to just go back and sit in this classroom for Spanish two, but I can’t.

Going to a different school in a different country wasn't so easy; going to Bitburg Middle/High School meeting all new people really wasn’t my thing because I'm shy, but when I get to know you I'm very loud. I knew that I was going to connect right away with Senor Schaffer because he was just the teacher I needed: loud and just fun!  

On the first day of class he showed everyone where they were going to be sitting by standing on top of the desks. I thought that was a bit strange. Everyday we had a laughing session; I never knew half why he was laughing. During quiet moments he would start to dance or make hilarious body language.  

He never wanted to see anyone fail. We always had opportunities to get extra points by conjugating verbs or knowing the vocabulary. With the extra points we could skip a test if we have collected so many; you could use them for anything that is graded. Senor was  always there to lend a helping hand, and he was even willing to stay after if you didn't get something the first time.

He felt that everyone should participate even if you didn't do the homework. He used popsicle sticks that had our “Spanish” names on there. He would call on you, and if you couldn't say it in Spanish or say I don't know, he would wait and help you until you figured it out.

I believe that Senor Schaffer is a perfect example for Educator of the Year due to his different way of teaching, his humor, and his way of making everyone involved. It's a really special when a teachers can make everyone happy in the perfect environment. Just want to thank him so much; and this nomination is the perfect way.

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