Carly Becker | Teen Ink

Carly Becker

June 5, 2018
By emilievitalo BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
emilievitalo BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Carly Becker sounds like an average name for an average woman, but she is far from average. Coach Becker went to William Penn High School and played on varsity field hockey for only one year. Then, she ended up going to West Chester University a D2 college where she excelled. Becker is a coach, a wife, a business owner, a motivator but most of all a mother the most challenging job of all, but still, she inspires people every day. Her encouraging and upbeat attitude is what helped me get through preseason, regular season, and my injury.

    When some people hear coach, all they think about is winning and being the best. Our team being the best was definitely something Coach wanted us to achieve, but winning was not always on the top of her mind; how we held ourselves and represented our school is what she cared about. Becker cares about who the girls become once they leave DMA. At the end of the season, my team and I were told that Coach Becker is pregnant, and the one thing she told us was that she WILL be coaching this seasoning. Even with a pregnancy and two kids plus being recently married, she makes sure to find time to be there for us. For example, if you have a problem and do not know what to do, and you may not feel comfortable telling someone; Becker will be there any time of the day, helping you, giving you advice.

   During this preseason, I misaligned my hips, injured my IT band, and strained muscles in my lower back. I did not think I was going to be able to play that season, and that was very upsetting because it was my freshman year. Some coaches might not be understanding or willing to help, but Becker was completely understanding. She motivated me during the games I could play, and she would motivate the other girls. Coach doesn't give up on anyone; she stays by their side until the end. Then, during the season, we had two girls that were also injured and coach made sure they came to practice even though they were injured, just so they could see the action and next year apply it and help our team grow. Coach Becker doesn't look at the short term; she looks at the long term.

    Since I'm only a freshman, I've only been able to experience one year of coaching from Becker, but the other girls on the team like our juniors and seniors have had 3 or 4 years of experience, and if you asked them, they wouldn't regret a second of it. My teammates might tell you that the life lessons Becker has told them, might've changed how they view something, or how they approach something. Becker gives encouragement, motivation, wisdom, and love. Even on the teams worst days after a loss or bad days at school Coach is there to motivate us and only make us better. She makes sure that everyone on the team has each other’s back. One day during the season, some of the older girls on our team had a close friend pass away, but even though we did not know them very well, coach told us to step up and watch our teammates. She made sure that no one on the team whether it is on or off the field, is alone; everyone is there for each other, and she made sure we were aware she is there for us.

   Now, like I said before, some people may look at Coach Becker and think “oh she’s  just a mom, a coach”, but she is far from average. No average person has the ability to change a teenagers view on how to face the world, on how to conquer any obstacles in your way. Coach Carly Becker has all of the average titles, but every day she finds new ways to exceed those stereotypes and excel to greatness and to be an amazing person. She motivates me, and one day I want to be able to say that I am here because of Coach Becker. If that is not an Educator of the Year, then I don’t know what is.

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