Freedom For All | Teen Ink

Freedom For All

November 13, 2018
By cz20 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
cz20 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Freedom sounds like a marching parade saluting the veterans. It is American soldiers who sacrificed their lives who gave us freedom of speech.  Freedom to express my thoughts on the government and being heard by others without fear is possible because of our veterans serving for our country. Grateful and appreciation...

An 18 year old farm boy drafted into the Korean war, sent to Tokyo Japan to fight for his country witnessed young Korean kids starving to death. Soldiers fight for the people who can’t fight for themselves so Americans can one day have freedom of speech. Sacrifice and courage...

Brendan Marrocco, a veteran who lost four limbs and his best friend in the Iraq war.  The first to survive such an injury when the war started. As an American, stand strong and proud for our country. Humble and strong...

Freedom of speech sounds like the cries of soldiers defending our country. Peter  Marshall says, “May we think of freedom, not as a right to do whatever we want, but as the opportunity to do what’s right”.

Having the right to be able to express yourself without dealing with the government is very good. All of these soldiers that fought for America did a very great thing. They gave us more freedom of speech and better government.

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