Thank You | Teen Ink

Thank You

January 4, 2019
By colorpop SILVER, Brookfield, Wisconsin
colorpop SILVER, Brookfield, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear WWII Veteran

As your coming back from Washington DC today after visiting the Memorials I hope you had the time of your life  I sincerely thank you for your service, you risked your life to protect our rights. Thank you for being courageous and for fighting for are freedom. I cannot Imagine someone with as much bravery as you, you have sacrificed yourself for America's Freedom and forever I will cherish America's Freedom.

My name is Abby and I am a junior in high school and I watched the Honor Flight movie in my creative writing class. After watching I was able to see how much this day really impacts everyone that is involved and connect with the emotions.

I have been to the memorials in Washington DC when I went and I remember that each memorial is powerful in many different ways. Looking around at the memorials I do recall you can see some of the fallen veterans names and how special they are and I just want you to know that your name is as special as theirs.

A hero to me is someone that would do anything that they possibly could to make things better in someone else's life and to me that is what you are. I am truly thankful for you, fighting for are country shows the courage and bravery that you have. Words cannot describe how thankful I am for you and how you have put your life on the line and to serve the country that you love and help keep me safe and free.

I understand that your ‘welcome home’ was something that no one would want to go through and some may want to forget and for that I am sorry. I am sorry that when you came home you didn't fully get the welcome you deserved and for that it makes my stomach turn. My dad has always taught me when you see someone that has served our country that you say thank you for your service. Saying those 5 words may seem small but they mean a million other things. When I thank someone for there service I am not only thanking them for protecting my freedom but I am thanking them for being the strong, big hearted person that they are. I hope that today has been the ‘ welcome home ‘ that you deserved.


I just want you to always remember that you are appreciated and you are such a blessing to me and this country.

Thank You

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