My mom, hero | Teen Ink

My mom, hero

October 17, 2019
By Anonymous

Who do I think is my hero? Well, I can answer that easily, It’s my loving and amazing mom of course. About two weeks ago, I got dressed late and missed my bus. I called my mom to tell her that the bus left without me, she wasn’t in a thrilled mood to drive me to school but had to anyways. When I got into the car, she started yelling at me telling me there’s no reason I should be missing the bus and that it’s my responsibility to make sure I get up on time. Next time if I were to miss the bus I would have to walk. I just sat there rolling my eyes and put on my headphones and thought to myself, “why is she getting so livid? It’s not the end of the world if I miss the bus one time” She also lectured me about how she was my age many years ago and back then had to walk to school there was no buses. Her own mother would be upset with her if she missed the bus. I shouldn’t be being lazy or selfish, I should be grateful that we have great resources. When my mom was younger, there weren’t any school buses back then children had to walk to school. It was very difficult especially in the cold and hot weather. Another reason why I think she’s my hero is because of her kind heart. She loved her mom and always helped her when she had the chance. My mom has pictures of her around the house and it just warms my heart but also made me sad. I was just 12 when my grandma passed away, it really broke the family it was especially hard on my mom because they were best friends. They did literally everything together. She never had any siblings just her mom and dad. I also love that she’s brave too. Even though my grandmother died, she still had to be strong for me and herself because I needed her. I even love her confidence and attitude. If she wants something she’ll get it no matter what. When someone is being disrespectful towards her or saying something she doesn’t like, she won’t be afraid to speak her mind. What I also admire about her is her kind heart. In middle school I had to do a science project about the different planets in the solar system on poster board, color it and make it look nice. The project was due tomorrow and I waited till the last minute to say anything. My mom was a bit mad of course but she took me to the store and got the supplies and helped me anyways. When I was around 10, my older sister took me to a haunted house for halloween. When we went inside, there was scary music and a man with a chainsaw and even smoke. It honestly scared me I started screaming and my sister just look at me with a concerned look. When we got out a lady gave us candy and I started crying and told my sister I wanted to go home. When we got home she told my mom what happened and she comforted me and told me that everything would be alright. One time I didn’t know how to ride a bike and asked her to teach me so she did. We went outside and she held me up while I sat on the bike. Of course I fell many times but hey, that’s how you learn, right? I love my mother she is the most amazing role model I could ever ask for. She is the one who made me who I am today, really. And one day, I want to be just like her and have my kids look up to her. My mom has taught me so many things in life that I think I could teach to my future kids. She’s a very strict person and mean sometimes. I was always jealous of some of my friends that had laid back and cool parents. But that just means her mother raised her well and I sorta like it that way. The way my mom raised me will surely be the way I raise my kids in the future.

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