Allstar Weekend Changed My Life | Teen Ink

Allstar Weekend Changed My Life

April 11, 2012
By SimplyRachel PLATINUM, Charlotte, North Carolina
SimplyRachel PLATINUM, Charlotte, North Carolina
48 articles 6 photos 40 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift, that's why we call it the present."
"Things change, friends leave, and life doesn't stop for anybody."
~Stepgen Chbosky

Allstar Weekend is my favorite band of all time. You wanna know why? No? Too bad, Im gonna tell you anyways. They're themselves! And only themselves! I mean, look at Zach. He dances awkwardly and is just a big bundle of awkwardness and he talks really fast. But he's also the only guy I've ever met who loves his awkwardness. And he'll open his arms to give you a hug before you even walk all the way up to him. And Cameron, he's a bit weird too is a little bit shy but he's super sweet. I have never met a guy with a heart as big as Cam's is. Michael, well, I haven't met him but he's amazing too. He cusses a bit much at time but he's still incredibly charming and has a great sense of humor. And he has a pet wombat named Toucan. Who doesn't love wombats?! And Nathan, now I never met Nathan either but I know enough about him. He's a bit odd and is a bit too good at cartwheels and walking on his hands but he's super sweet and nice and write songs really well. And aside from this, they make life so much easier to live. I used to think I had to live up to people's exspectations. But these guys, helped me realize I didn't have to. Zach likes to dance awkwardly in public. He helps me realize, it's okay to be wierd where others can see you. You don't have to hide who you are from other people. Those who love you, will continue to, and those who don't, shouldn't even matter. If it's something you love to do, you should do it and not care what others have to say about it. Cameron helped me realize that a little bit of kindness goes a long way. And that it's okay if you don't always stick out. Sometimes, it's a good thing to not be the one everyone knows. And that if you're kind to other people, they'll be kind to you. And Mikey, he helped me to realize sometimes, you just have to take the time and laugh. Sure you should be serious, but laughter is a good thing too. After all, laughter is said to be the best medicine. Nathan, good ole' Nathan, sure he left the band but he still taught me a few things. He helped me realize that no matter what life throws at you, you can get through it with your friends. And even if you choose to go down a different path than they do, they'll still love you for you. They won't forget you just because they don't see you all the time anymore. Everything happens for a reason, whether you know what that reason is or not. All you have to do is live life, laugh about stupid things, and have fun! Not to say what everyone else is saying now, but you only live once! So make the best out of life! Live, laugh, and love. Be werid, be kind, be funny, be creative, be friendly, but most of all BE YOURSELF! These guys are the most amazing guys I have ever had the privilage of looking up to. Their music has helped me get through so much and I honestly can say I don't know where I would be, or if I would even be here without them. They have helped me look at life in new ways that I didn't even think were possible. They each taught me different things that I still hold on to and cherish now. Aside from what they taught me seperatly, they taught me that you can overcome anything, and do anything with your friends by your side. And to never give up. They didn't give up, and look at where they are now. And thanks to them, I won't ever give up. It's amazing how one day you come across a new band, ro you meet a new person who you didn't think would matter much. And then, it turns out that they have such a huge impact on your life. It gets to where it's hard to imagine what your life would even be like without them. Allstar Weekend changed my life greatly, and I will always love each and every one of them for it now and even as I'm older. And I know they will probably never see this, but I wanted someone to know what all they had done for me. Zach, you're as awkward as anyone could ever be, but I love you. Cameron, (or should I say James;) Never change. Stay your amazing, sweet self. And I love you as well. Mikey, you've always been my favorite, you can make me laugh when no one else can. And I love you even more for being bale to do that. And last, but not least, Nathan. You may not be part of Allstar Weekend anymore, but I will never forget you and what you've done for me. I miss you so much, and I love you. Allstar Weekend, you changed my life. I want to thank you with all of my heart. I love you.

The author's comments:
You may not consider Allstar Weekend a hero, but they're one of my greatest inspirations in life. And thats all that matters

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