My Hero | Teen Ink

My Hero

March 12, 2013
By maritza hernandez BRONZE, Round Lake, Illinois
maritza hernandez BRONZE, Round Lake, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Dad I am nervous for my soccer tryouts this week”
“Why, you will do just fine”
“ What if I don’t make it?”
“It doesn’t matter, as long as you know you gave it your hardest”

On Sunday afternoon, when I was talkingg to my dad, I didn’t believe him until I looked into his light brown eyes then I realized he was correct. My dad may not be the coolest dad alive. He is fun to be around when we go into stores, he always messes around. My father is a strong man he never lets anything get in the way of him succeeding in life.

My father is amazing; when I’m upset over something, he always finds a way to cheer me up. Just like when my older brother puts me down, I get angry. I go to my dad, and tell him what my brother told me, and he says to me “Don’t believe him he is just trying to make you mad.”

I am inspired by my dad because he always does his best to do everything he can to make my siblings and me happy. I remember Christmas was around the corner, my dad worked so many hours just to buy us what we wanted for Christmas. I wanted a TV, my younger siblings wanted toys and video games, my older brother just wanted money.

My relationship with my dad isn’t perfect. We always argue over the dumbest stuff, but sometimes we argue about stuff that will benefit me but I tend to never listen. In the future I want for my father and me to not argue as much as we do now. I also want my father and I to spend more time with each other.

The author's comments:
my dad inspired me to write this because he has always been strong in any situation.

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