A Real Hero | Teen Ink

A Real Hero

March 12, 2013
By Justine123 BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
Justine123 BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A hero is one who is super natural, has super powers, and is strong and indestructible, that’s what some might think. But I think different because to me a hero is a real person, with human features and a heroic act for me is when a person goes out of his way to help someone else without being told to, just an act of the that person’s subconscious. Even since young my dad is my hero. His name is Juan Mancilla. He doesn’t have super powers nor is he indestructible. He is tall, is neither fat nor skinny and but is very strong inside and out. My dad is an amazing person to me because he is a very useful man, he is very caring for his family and takes full responsibility for us and even though we don’t really agree on everything and we don’t really get along, he still loves me like no other.

I refer my dad to as Mr. Handyman. If it looks impossible to fix he’ll always finds a way to fix it. For example a couple of days ago something happened to are ice crusher and he noticed so he started to open it all up and take parts out, I didn’t know even what he did to it, but when he put it all back together, it was like new. “Think, look, and think,” something I always here him say. Whenever I ask him to fix something for me he repeats that which bothers me a little, because I am not as creative as he is. He has a very creative mind when it comes to doing something in a different way rather than the original way. If something breaks he is the one to go to, to fix it. He is a great father for the way he cares for him family. For example he’s been getting laid off constantly but he knows he need to work to earn money for us and pay the rent and feed us so he goes out and looks for and works on little side jobs because like I said he knows how to do everything and if he doesn’t he will learn it and do it. My dad also cares for us by taking us all out together on family dinners at least one time a week and well Sundays are ours days we reserve to go out with the family only and have some fun all together.

My father loves to make me happy by spoiling me most of the times by giving me money when I need it and also when I really want to get something and my mom doesn’t let me, I know always to go to my dad and ask his for it because I am very certain he will allow me to get it. I certainly don’t like to disappoint him, but don’t get me wrong, he and I do have our rough times, times of disagreement and times of letdowns. We have disagreements of me growing up. To him I am still his little girl and he would love to keep it like that, but he cannot understand that I am growing up and spreading my wings. Still in a way I understand why he is like that but it bothers me sometimes, but I still love my dad. As the times goes by, we can’t help but grow closer and closer to each other and that is something I hope just grows and grows.

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