Someone Like You | Teen Ink

Someone Like You

April 9, 2013
By Anonymous

I want to grow up to be someone like you – someone who changes lives, and brings light into every room she walks into. You’re the one who gives me hope, over and over, even when I’m almost certain there’s not an ounce of it left on earth. You make me smile every day. You’re just that person who makes this person happier and healthier and stronger.
When I came to a point in life where I began to question my purpose and worth and presence on earth, I felt lost. I was scared and tired, and every day seemed to drag on with no end. I felt so completely alone, and I was sure that no one else had ever experienced anything like this. I felt like I had lost my mind. But when you came into my life, things started making sense. Turning my life around wasn't easy or quick, but it happened. And I'm pretty certain that it's all thanks to you.
“Just hold on,” you said, “don’t give up.” You told me “things can get better if you fight for it,” I didn’t believe you at first. I shook my head and stomped my feet and cried, insisting you were wrong. You were oversimplifying everything, I thought. But then you were honest. You told me, and the whole rest of the world what you had been struggling with. I was stunned. I didn’t believe that someone as beautiful and talented as you had suffered through such things before – eating disorders and substance abuse and self-mutilation. Again, I shook my head and blinked back tears and said that there was no way it was the truth. Someone as perfect as you hadn’t faced such difficulties. Then you began explaining your struggles to me, and I knew pretty quickly you were telling the truth. No one had ever reciprocated my feelings like you did. No one had ever talked in a way that resonated with me like you did. You were strong and brave and fierce and made me feel like I could be too.
So I want to be someone like you, and help all the teenage girls who are in need of a role model. I want to be someone who inspires hope in those who are giving up on themselves. I want to be someone who helps others stay strong.
But most of all, I want to thank you because if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have made it through the storm.

The author's comments:
To someone who I care about immensely; thank you for saving me. I love you.

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